Do you want to automatically attract the most desirable women?
It’s simple… be the Alpha.
You see, we are herding animals and are genetically programmed to live in tribes. We are also wired to give status and rank to the people in our tribe. Have you ever noticed that you automatically rank yourself against the other people in the group?

Women naturally rank men the same way because at an instinctual level, the man with the higher status, is typically best able to protect her. And as you may know, women choose the man with the best ability to PROTECT and PROVIDE for her. Remember, women want you to make them feel safe.
The problem is that most guys don’t know what being an Alpha really is. Most guys believe being the Alpha Male is about belittling and manipulating others. No, being the Alpha Male is about leading your group/tribe in a positive direction. It is about pulling people up instead of pushing them down. It is about sacrificing yourself for the group, instead of sacrificing the group for yourself.
Being the Alpha doesn’t mean you have to rule the world. You just have to be the leader of your own circle. When your woman sees that your circle of friends follow you, she will appreciate and respect you. If you are not the leader of your circle, then start a new one.
Also, don’t think of it as one leader controlling their followers. It is a about being a leader that inspires other people to lead and contribute towards a purpose.
In the following video, leadership expert Simon Sinek reveals the hidden dynamics that inspire leadership and trust. This is an eye-opening talk that reveals what it really means to be the Alpha of your world. It’s long, but well worth your time on so many levels.

You have to see this…
[av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’15’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ av_uid=’av-1wgx2n’]
Amazing video. A great message. I feel compelled to implement it now. Thank you.