Join Us For 3 Days At Our Natural Attraction Bootcamp And We’ll Show You…
How To Meet Women In Any Situation, Spark Attraction, And Get A Date In Just A Few Minutes
Our Proven Process Is Helping Men From All Over The World Overcome Approach Anxiety and Attract The Woman Of Their Dreams
- A proven method to meeting any woman in any situation.
- Role-play exercises with beautiful hired models so you can master your conversation skills in a rejection-free environment.
- Breakthrough exercises to conquer approach anxiety for good.
- Real-time feedback on your interactions with women from a professional dating coach as your personal mentor.
- Get mic’d up and filmed to see exactly what you can improve
- Customized coaching for your specific challenges and sticking points
- An action plan to continue getting the results you want
- So much more!

Here’s What Our Past Clients Say About This Experience…
“I’ve never felt this good about socializing, talking to women. I have 3 dates this weekend. I’ve never had more than 1 date a week, so this is a huge jump.”
– Damian, Grad Student
“You showed me exactly what I got to do. I feel great. I feel amazing. I feel this is exactly what I was looking for!”
– Matt, Business Owner
“I feel very confident. I feel like a whole different person essentially… which I am. This is the experience in my life that has created that shift so fast.”
– Suraj, Agent
Discover The Three-Step Framework To Spark Attraction With ANY Woman In ANY Situation
Picture this familiar scene: You’re going about your day, and suddenly, you spot her – a breathtakingly beautiful woman.
The kind that instantly grabs your attention. The type you’d be thrilled to date, the kind that doesn’t just appear out of nowhere every day.
Now, when this moment strikes, it’s a golden opportunity, and you’ve got to seize it.
But then the excuses roll in: ‘Maybe she’s taken,’ or ‘She might be too young,’ or even ‘She looks busy.’
And the biggest question of it all?
“What do I say after hello?”
And that’s why we give you give you a three-step conversational framework so you can spark attraction and connection with any woman.
You’ll always know what to say, don’t need a witty personality, don’t need to think on your feet, and you don’t need cheesy pickup lines, manufactured routines, or gimmicks.
You just need to be honest and use the framework we give you.
Best part?
It only takes 3 minutes.
That’s it. It only takes 3 minutes to spark real attraction and get a date.
You’re not having random, meaningless, boring conversation. You’re simply directing the conversation to create connection.
We’ll Help You Conquer Approach Anxiety Using Our Time-Tested Process
You see an incredible woman, and you want to approach her, but something holds you back.
It’s frustrating, right? You’re definitely not alone in this.
Even the guys who seem to have it all together get those butterflies.
But here’s the deal – true manhood isn’t about never feeling fear; it’s about embracing it head-on.
That’s where our boot camp comes in. This isn’t just another ‘approach and conquer’ program.
This is about letting go of the fear and unleashing your natural confidence.
Some programs might tell you to bombard yourself with approaches or do something outlandishly embarrassing to ‘overcome the fear’ But honestly? That’s surface-level stuff.
You see, it’s not about forcing yourself to do anything. It’s about allowing your natural confidence to come out. And when you can do that, approaching women because a fun adventure instead of a struggle.
We conquer approach anxiety step-by-step.
First we have you roleplay with models which will ease a lot of the fear. These aren’t just any exercises either. They’re designed to shatter insecurities and limiting beliefs.
Then we take you out to approach, starting simple, making sure every exercise is doable for you.
We’ll be right there with you, guiding you through every step, ensuring that with each approach, you’re building not just skills, but unshakeable confidence. This is where the real transformation begins.


You’ll never actually learn how to spark attraction with beautiful women by reading books or listening to dudes talk…
Just like you can’t learn how to ride a bike by reading about it.
You actually have to TALK to women to learn this skill.
And in our boot camps, you can get the most valuable dating experience you can get – in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
You see, we’ve been coaching men for over 10 years…
We’ve done boot camps in over 40 countries and after coaching men from all over the world, we know one of the fastest ways to transform men’s dating lives is something called “Model Roleplay”.
Here’s what that means…
We’ve got models. They’re beautiful women.
We guide you through specific exercises where you practice talking and flirting with them. Then our world-class dating coaches give you feedback.
And then you do it again.
There are 3 reasons why our “Model Roleplay” process is the fastest thing we’ve seen to help guys transform their dating lives…
The first reason… you get real world practice.
That’s what you need… Practice.
Just like baseball players have to get in the batting cages and take swings at the bat, you have to do that same thing with women. You have to practice.
The problem is that with most men and their dating lives they don’t practice.
And I get, you’re at a coffee shop and you see a beautiful woman and everyone can hear you…
It’s scary.
What if you get rejected? What if she laughs at you?

What if everyone laughs at you? What if you look like a creep?
That’s why, let’s be honest…
You probably haven’t been going out and talking to beautiful women.
Well, now here’s your chance. And maybe your only chance for you to experience this.
The second reason our process is so powerful is because you’re getting crucial feedback from both our models and our top dating coaches.
You see, most guys have no idea what they’re doing wrong. They don’t know why they aren’t attracting the women they want. They don’t know why they keep landing in the friend zone.
There is probably something you’re doing that is turning women off.
But how can you improve if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong?

That’s why our trained models and coaches will give you real unfiltered feedback on how you’re coming across to women and how you’re making them feel.
They can instantly spot the weaknesses in our students’ communication skills, and provide unique and deep insights to help you improve.
They’ll tell you what is working and not working. If you’re being too nice or too strong. Or if you’re coming across as awkward. Or whatever it is you’re doing.
And I want to stress this again…
Getting unfiltered feedback is critical to your success in dating.
The third reason why our “Model Roleplay” is so powerful and transformative is because the more you go through it, the more confident and comfortable you become around beautiful women.
In this process, you’re releasing nerves, doubts and insecurities that come up when you’re talking to gorgeous women.
“Model Roleplay is like a dating shortcut that helps you unleash your naturally confident and attractive self.”
Make An Entire Year’s Worth Of Progress In Three Days By Allowing Us To Fix Your Blind Spots
We’re going to mic you up and listen to of your approaches to give you instant feedback to perfect your approach so it comes naturally to you…
Many times there are certain things you’re doing wrong that you’re completely oblivious to.
Maybe you think you’re being a gentleman, but you’re just being needy…
Maybe you think you’re being confident, but she thinks you’re coming off as a cocky player.
Your blind spot is whatever you’re doing wrong and you just don’t know.
During you boot camp, we’ll give you feedback on all your approaches, reveal your blindspot, and help you fix them fast.
Listen To More Of What Our Past Clients Have To Say
“I was able to connect with women that I thought were totally out of my league, I was speechless!”
– Nic, Doctor
“I feel like a superman right now and I’ve gained a superpower.”
– Kave, IT Engineer
“This is better than anything I could’ve read about. I approached more girls in one day than a whole damn year.”
– Mike, Business Owner
DAY 1: Assessing your blindspots
We’ll give you the exact blueprint for meeting women during the day. You’ll know exactly what to do from the approach all the way to the date.
9am – 11am:
Interactive Instruction / Lecture
- Finding Out What Is Internally Preventing You From Getting The Girl You Want.
- Changing The One Thing That Is Holding You Back.
- Determine if there is something causing women to not see you as romantic potential
- Confidence Building: Techniques to exude confidence in intense situations and overcome internal barriers.
- Stop the overthinking: Making conversations natural, fun, and sexy
- Breaking through and ending the self-limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, worry, and approach anxiety that prevent you from taking action
- Removing the guilt and shame and worry of bothering her, of being creepy
- Fear Desensitization Drills: Gradually expose participants to feared situations (e.g., approaching strangers) in a supportive environment to overcome anxieties.
- Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Introduce mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques to manage anxiety and stay composed during interactions.
- Channeling attractive masculinity that draws people in
11am – 2pm:
Model Work: Experiential Learning: Engaging in scenarios to reinforce confidence and skills learned earlier.
- Engage with real live models
- Understand how to use emotions to build attraction
- Roleplay scenarios to get first hand experience to understanding the right way of connecting with women and in particular strangers
- Non-Verbal Communication Drills: Practice non-verbal cues such as eye contact, posture, and gestures in controlled settings to convey confidence and interest effectively.
3pm – 6pm:
- Real life approaches with the hands on guidance of our world-class top coaches
- Recorded audio and video of approaches
- Real time feedback of what to correct
- Break paralyzing fears and self limiting beliefs.
8:30pm – 12am+:
Night Game Lecture and Outing
- How to connect with women at night venues.
- Go out with the group to a local venue
- Get feedback from your coach and other experienced alumni
DAY 2: Becoming The Most Confident & Attractive Version of yourself
Start out with classroom time to ground you and expand your skill. Then, we’ll role play so you know exactly what to do so you’ll be able to spark attraction instantly. Then we’ll go out and talk to ladies that you like. We will give you feedback on your interactions and uncover your blind spots.
9am – 11am:
Interactive Instruction / Lecture
- Review All Infield Footage, To See Your Progress.
- How To Step Into Your Highest Self
- Never run out of things to say
- Social Calibration Exercises: Exercises to help you read social cues accurately and respond appropriately in various situations.
- Empathy and Perspective-taking:Exercises to enhance empathy to understand women’s perspectives and emotions better.
- Approach in nearly any situation: groups, in quiet public places, in front of her mom, etc.,
- Creating connection on an emotional level
- Removing the small-talk and interview style questions that women hate so much
- Replacing logic with emotion and mojo
- How to Escalate the Interaction To A Date
- Becoming the high value man that women desire
- Building unstoppable confidence that make you act in the most authentic, bold, and honest way imaginable
- Get rejection-proof (unphased by rejection)
- Become the charismatic man that owns every situation
- Find out why our models say “I not only wish that my ex took this bootcamp but I WISH my future husband would even more!”
11am – 2pm:
Model Work
3pm – 6pm:
- Progressing on your approaches from the previous day
- Recorded audio and video of approaches
- Real time feedback of what to correct
9:30pm – 12am+:
Night game outing
DAY 3: Ensuring Continued Success
Create a deep connection in under 3 minutes and go on an instant date right then and there. There will be more infield time where you’ll take your interactions even further like ramping up romantic tension to make her feel turned on.
10am – 2pm:
Interactive Instruction / Lecture
- Texting Her After You Get Her Number
- How To Set Up A Successful First Date, So You Maintain the Attraction.
- First Date Strategies for Escalating the Relationship to the Next Level.
- Understanding female psychology
- Values Alignment Exercises: Help articulate core values and align them with actions, promoting authenticity and integrity in interactions.
- Answer All Remaining Questions.
- Full Proof Continuity Action Plan
- Peer support groups created for continued success and accountability
3pm – 6pm:
- Progressing on your approaches from the previous day
- Recorded audio and video of approaches
- Real time feedback of what to correct
- Schedule a time to talk on the phone with a member of our team for a laid-back, confidential consultation.
- We’ll mutually decide if we’re the right dating company for you and if you’re a good fit for this boot camp.
- If everything works out, we’ll set you up with the boot camp you’re most interested in and give you all the details to get the most out of this experience.
- Your dating coach will meet you at the boot camp, show you how to overcome approach anxiety and talk to women, and then take you out and coach you on meeting beautiful girls.

We don’t work with just anyone.
We only have a handful of coaches as it takes years of training to meet our standards. Because of this, we can only accept a limited amount of students every single month.
- You’re expecting us to wave a magic wand and make supermodels instantly fall in love with you. We DON’T teach “gimmicks” or “tricks” to get girls. Our clients tend to date women that some would consider “out of their league,” however, don’t expect this to happen overnight.
- You’re NOT coachable. If you don’t actually implement the stuff we teach you, it won’t work. You WILL have to approach women and for some guys that is absolutely terrifying. Don’t worry, we’ll start you off with an easy progression.
- You’re looking to cheat on your partner or abuse women. We love and respect women and we expect you to do the same. We’re here to help ethical, all-around good guys who want to meet amazing women. If we suspect that you will mistreat women in any way, we’ll drop you as a student.
- You’re pinching pennies or money is your main deciding factor. We get results and because of this – the investment is not cheap.
If none of the above exceptions apply to you, then the 3-Day Natural Attraction Bootcamp is the solution you have been looking for and you’re only a few clicks away from finally meeting the women of your dreams.
Simply click on the button below and schedule your confidential consultation.
- Over 10 hours of infield approaching with one of expert dating coaches.
- A proven method to meeting high quality women in nearly any situation.
- Breakthrough exercises to help you conquer approach anxiety and unleash your natural confidence.
- Controlled role playing scenarios with beautiful women so you can practice your skills in a safe environment.
- Real-time feedback on your approaches so you can quickly master your skill set.
- Advanced night time attraction training at bars and clubs each night (optional – more details on your inquiry call).
- Customized coaching for your specific challenges and sticking points
- An action plan to continue getting the results you want

Are there payment plans available?
Yes, schedule a call and we can discuss payment options. However, you must be paid in full by the start of training.
What is the exact location of the boot camp?
Your instructor will email you all of the details including location and times approximately one week prior to the boot camp. If you require advance notice, please email us at [email protected]
Will these techniques work even if I am overweight, short, broke, ugly etc.?
Yes, because we teach you how to attract women on an instinctual subconscious level, which has little to do with looks, height or income.
What if I can’t make this boot camp?
Check the training schedule to find a boot camp in another city near you. If that is not an option, then fill out this form and tell us which city you would like to see a boot camp. If we get enough requests in your city, then we will schedule a boot camp there. Also, you can receive private coaching in your city.