How to Touch a Girl
Touching releases the chemical Oxytocin, a powerful bonding hormone that makes her feel connected and trust you. A woman must be comfortable with your touch in order for her to sleep with you. Learning how to touch a girl to make her want you is essential! My name is Matt Artisan and here are 7 Ways To Touch A Girl To Make Her Want You!
Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!

Before I get into the demonstrations. There are 3 crucial tips you must know.
3 Touching Tips to keep in mind:
#1. Always Make Sure She is Comfortable
Never do anything she’s not comfortable with. If she doesn’t seem comfortable then stop right away. But don’t be too afraid either. Now there is definitely a time for a gentle touch but there’s also a time to use stronger touch so she can get turned on by your masculinity. (Never be agressive though!)
I can just see all the comments now… “So you are saying to push her and force yourself on her?” NO numbnuts! I’m saying don’t be afraid to shake her hand like a man, women hate a limp fish. Don’t be afraid to give her a good bear hug! Most guys do the lame “pat on the back.”
Be powerful without overpowering her. Be dominant, without being domineering.
#2. Break The Touch Barrier – Don’t wait too long
Break the touch barrier sooner than later. If you wait too long, then that first touch will seem awkward and weird. So make sure to touch her when you first meet.
For example: During the day usually, a handshake, and/or a kiss on the cheek might be appropriate. At a bar, you might give her a high-five or put your arm around her. On a date, you would give her a hug when you greet her.
#3. Don’t Let It Linger:
Make sure to take it away at first. Touching releases the bonding hormone Oxytocin, and that’s why it feels good. But if you let it linger, that feel good vibe will soon turn into a creepy one.
A good rule to keep in mind in advancing your touch is: “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”
Remember that if you keep putting on the gas, then she will eventually put on the brakes.
- Put your arm around her and tell her you like her, and then turning away from her.
- Kissing her and ending the tongue wrestling before she does and saying, “That’s all you get, no more for you.”
- “I would so throw you against the wall and have my way with you right now. Too bad there are all these people here.”
….Okay now let’s get to the 7 ways to touch her:

7 Ways To Touch A Girl To Make Her Want You
Using your hands as you talk and touching her arm, shoulder or hand to emphasize a point. Example: “And you won’t believe what happened next” as you touch her arm for emphasis. Touch her waist, which is a very sensual spot of her body, as you lean in to tell her something.
Touch her hair, nails, or something she’s wearing and make a comment about it. Example: “Wow those are some interesting nails” as you hold her hands and examine them. Complementing her figure works as well, just like how women use “have you been working out?” as an excuse to touch your biceps. You can say the same line as you touch her abs. “Wow, you are so fit” “Flex your arm” Make sure she has a flat stomach before you do this. Pinching her belly flab won’t be such a turn on.
While leading her from one place to the next you can hold her hand, go arm-in-arm or place your hand on her lower back.
Fix something about her like her clothing, hair or posture. Example: “Hold on let me fix your shirt. Okay there, much better.”
If you are at a bar or on a date you can play a Fun game like thumb wrestling or slap hands
When she does or says something you like, simply reward her with a hug, high-five or kiss. Example: “Nice, high-five!”
Where she just knows that you are really attracted to her so you make your move. You typically need a higher level of attraction and compliance for this to work.
There you have it, 7 ways to touch more without being creepy so you can release some Oxytocin, deepen your connection and lead things to a more intimate level!
Now if you just want to be better with women we created a “Free Escalation Cheat Sheet” that lists out some of our best ways to spark sensual tension, turn a girl on, and the relationship to a more intimate level.
It’s filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic – friendly interaction, into a more sensual – “I want to rip your clothes off” vibe.
This is very useful when you’re talking to a girl but it’s going nowhere.
Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!

And if you want us to personally show you how to meet women, click here for a free 1-on-1 breakthrough call.
I’m out! Cheers!
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