Today’s content is all about how to approach women during the daytime! (Video footage included, man!) Approaching women and talking to girls isn’t only done in bars or clubs. In fact, we have had more authentic, memorable and enjoyable experiences when we approach women during the daytime.
Check out coach Jules Bia explaining his methods on how to approach women during the daytime, complete with footage of him approaching girls during the day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico:
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with Coach Jules Bia
In today’s video, we show:
– how to approach women during the daytime
– how to approach girls during the day in the street, the beach, shops and malls
– how to approach a girl without being a creep
– how to approach girls during the daytime and get her number
– how to approach women in public places
– how to approach a girl NOT in a bar or club
– how to approach women in the street
– how to talk to a girl during the day
– infield footge from Jules Bia of The Attractive Man team
– examples of daygame approach,
– how to talk to girls with confidence
– how to talk to women and charm them
Here are Jules’ principles to keep in your mental checklist when you want to practice how to approach girls during the daytime:
Just like workouts. Just like public speaking.. Top athletes do it before game time, teachers and professors do it before major events, actors and performers do it before the big curtain rises. It makes TOTAL sense how important warming up is when mastering how to approach women during the day.
So, we love to warm up by talking to random people we meet everyday. Regardless of who they are, if they don’t look completely busy, give them a greeting – talk to them, give them a wave. Its a great warm up to set your mood and activate those happy hormones.
During nighttime approaches, we go and talk to everyone right from the start – if its in the bar or club, we talk to the bouncer, the first person we meet when we enter, the first group we meet.
Once you’ve warmed up, you won’t be so jumpy, anxious, fidgety. I almost never get tongue tied if I had an awesome warm up before I approach gorgeous women. So I want you to be more social, be a bit more dynamic, and warm up! Its going to help overall confidence, and social skills.
Ever heard the phrase “its all in your head”? Years of coaching men has helped us understand, majority of men’s problems are internal. They keep overthinking, they keep relying on mental cues, they keep thinking “what do I do now?” “what happens if I do this?” “what if she says this?” “should I do this after this and this?” “what if she says no?” “what if she says yes?”
The problem is.. All of your thoughts aren’t happening in the REAL world. You’ve beaten yourself up before you even made a move.
You’re supposed to FEEL it. You’re a human, with feelings, with sensors, with hormones that activate, with a body that responds to stimuli. Attraction is supposed to come naturally, not from a book that you pull out in your head. Being too much in your head? Overthinking? Believe me, it won’t end up well.
You see, some BAD advice would be “memorize this” and “practice this line and routine”. Imagine how that would feel like – are you some robot that only responds with a specific line or when a specific input is given?
So men, make sure to feel it in your body. Sure you might feel scared at might have some jitters, but I want you to feel that and own it. Don’t lock yourself out of your feelings because you’ll never be able to tap into that natural, attractive you if you shut all of that out.
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” True. Most men want to play it safe. Also true.
Risk taking is never easy. It requires you to exit your comfort zone. But what that does is it opens up new and amazing oppurtunities for you. And effort plus oppurtunity always equals success.
Sometimes, all guys need is a good push. You could be hanging on the edge of your safe bubble, almost ready to break your limits and become better – but you can’t find it in yourself to bust through. Why? It could be the fear of pain, the fear of rejection, afraid you’ll be humiliated, or afraid you’ll get hurt.
Men, life has been throwing curveballs all this time. And the “no pain, no gain” mantra was created for a reason – not just for the gym and working out – it applies in real life as well.
Approaching beautiful women that you might feel are out of your league is a complete risk on your part. But you know what? Experiencing the pain of rejection and learning from it is better than feeling the regret of not doing it. And most of the time, interactions even end well for our clients.
It was only after stepping out of their comfort zone that our men have realized that they can do better in dating and in their lives. It is by taking chances that we truly improve. It is by facing your demons and fears, where you can find the courage and confidence to be the best version of yourself.
“It is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all”

Now, this is self-explanatory but I’ll have to emphasize this. Don’t make “how to approach women during the daytime” or flirting, dating, approaching women your main focus in life. That will create a needy mindset, and will set you off.
What you should be doing, is investing in yourself. Its YOUR life, and YOUR happiness. Don’t think that people-pleasing will always lead to your happiness. Seeking others approval, and doing things for them rather than yourself will lead you to a depressive state.
Invest in yourself, man. That’s the best piece of advice I can give you right now. Seek out a better you everyday. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Develop yourself, and natural attraction will follow.
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