When you’re looking for some confidence motivation I always turn back to watching this transformation. You’re going to absolutely love this video, man..
In just 3 short hours we completely changed one of our lucky fans.. From doing approaches that absolutely creeped women out..into confident, memorable and successful interactions AND an INSTANT DATE.
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We kid you not, with 3 hours of coach Jules and coach David’s training and confidence motivation,
a complete newbie who never approached a girl in his life got an instant date….success he never experienced before in his life!
And I’m sure you’re curious as to exactly how this powerful transformation happened..
In this video, coach Jules and David taught a fan how to approach a girl, how to talk to a girl, and how to get a date.. So many guys get flustered when trying to learn how to approach women while walking, and they don’t even know how to approach a girl on the street.
Click the link below to watch the full video on our YouTube channel now:
>>> New Video: From CREEP To STUD In 3 HOURS!
If your interested in some of our coaching (and I’m sure you’re at least curious after watching this video) then click the link below to apply for our coaching programs!
CLICK HERE to APPLY for our Coaching Programs!
While you’re here – make sure to grab one of my FREE confidence cheat sheets as well. It absolutely helps with confidence motivation. That’s all for now, man. I’ll see you again in our next value-filled content!

Break up blocks of study time with short breaks to limit fatigue. If you study solidly for a couple hours, make sure you give yourself 15 to 20 minutes before you start up again. Get away from the computer or books to stretch or take a short walk, or eat an energy-building protein-rich snack like yogurt or almonds. Studies show that rewards are usually more motivating than punishment. Use this to your advantage by giving yourself a reward when you finish a task; for example, allow yourself to watch a favorite 30-minute TV show as a study break or give yourself some positive feedback. Self-criticism (a form of punishment) is usually not super effective for motivation, so work on recognizing and limiting these sorts of thoughts. Yeah, not easy, but good to work on.