I’m going to tell you 5 surprisingly simple ways to turn a girl on instantly. If you’re interested, you can make a woman want you, and you can start doing these right away to attract more women and spark romantic, and even sensual feelings the moment you meet them.
I call it the five P’s.. And the last one is by far the most powerful. It can either totally creep her out if you do it wrong way or it can turn a girl on instantly when you do it the right way, which I’m going to show you:
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I really liked this quote by Dan Brown. He says,
“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”
-Dan Brown
Quick lesson about ways to turn a girl on instantly: One common mistake. Most guys avoid all tension in life. And we call these “nice guys” or “pleasers.” They never want to rock the boat or look bad or cause any friction.. And women find them sweet and adorable and they befriend them, but they’re not turned on by these types of men. Or should I say boys? For that matter.
You see, a man who avoids all tension is just not attractive because he’s kind of a wuss and women are not attracted to terrified men who avoid all tension and play it safe in life. They want a guy who’s a little bit of a risk taker, which is why they sometimes like arseholes because a-holes don’t live in fear.
They do and say what they want despite the tension that it often creates. But the good news is you don’t have to be an arse-hole. You just have to be willing and comfortable stepping into tension. So how do you do that?
Think of it like this. You’re probably attracted to very feminine women.
Gorgeous, beautiful women who are also attracted to masculine men, which sometimes looks like muscular man or tall men or men who are CEOs of a big company. Successful men, because being masculine is about conquering, fighting, hunting, being a leader, being driven.
Fortunately, unlike our ancestors who were literally conquerers, hunters, and killers, warriors.. We don’t actually have to do any of those things nowadays, which is great. We live in a much safer society, which I think is awesome, but of that because we live in such a safe world now, and we don’t have to step into that tension and fight for our food or fight other men. We become soft. We don’t step into tension. We live in our comfort zone for our entire life. You know, working in a cubicle or working from our house, getting Uber eats delivered to us.
Again, it’s very convenient, but to become more masculine, and increase your attractiveness, you need to build courage. You need to step into tension, especially the tension of a beautiful woman, because if she’s gorgeous and you’re getting nervous, there’s a lot of tension there, which is why, of course, we bring in models on our live workshops and have you role play with them and have you ground yourself.
Now we’re going to go over the five P’s. You have to understand that sexual tension is all about pressure and then releasing the pressure. Most guys think crumble under the pressure or the tension of a beautiful woman. And so they cannot be attracted to that type of guy — one who’s nervous and fumbling and fidgeting and breaking eye contact.
It makes her want to get out of that situation right away. But when you practice and you master these five things, then when you approach a beautiful woman, you can be calm, confident, and grounded in that pressure. And she’ll therefore feel like you must have a lot of beautiful women of her caliber in your life.
Make sense, right? Because if you didn’t, you would crumble under that pressure. But since you’re calm, common, confident talking to a beautiful woman like her, you must have a lot of women like her in your life, which is not only sub communicates that you are an attractive man, because you have women like her in your life, or you’re comfortable around women are like her.
At least you might not have any women like her in your life,
But the fact that you’re comfortable around her, it’s basically pre-selection. She knows that you are the type of guy that women like her would date. Not only that, but she will feel this intensity. She will feel this spark of romantic sensual and sexual tension within seconds.
Sometimes it’s instantly. So the first thing that I want you to practice the first P.. can you guess it?
First up. Ways to turn a girl on instantly, 5 P’s – Proximity, how close or how far away you are from her matters. A lot. For example, if I stand this far away, it just seems like I’m afraid of her and she can feel that. Plus when I shake hands with her, I have to lean in kind of, or likF here pull her if I am standing normal, it’s just weird. (I demonstrate this in the video I embedded)
And a lot of guys make this mistake. They stand really far from her. Cause they don’t want to like step into her personal space. But her personal space is really about shoulders’ distance apart.
(Demonstration in the video embedded) Like this is no big deal. She’ll be fine. If you’re standing like this, there’s definitely more tension than when I was way back there. But not really a lot. The key is to be about two inches further. This has a lot more tension. And if you can get even closer than that, now there’s even more tension.
Obviously the closer you get, the more tension there is either the club. You can be really close when you talk, because it’s so loud in the daytime. I definitely wouldn’t get this close to a girl. She’s going to freak out. So I’m going to be about an arms distance away at first. And then when I shake hands, I usually take a step forward.
And then I notice her reaction.
Her reaction was pleasant. She enjoyed it. But if she took a step back when I did that, then I would take a step back too.
Because you definitely don’t want to think, “Oh, I need sexual attention.” So I better take a step forward. And she keeps taking a step back. She’s going to want to get out of there right away. It’s going to feel really creepy and strange for her. Don’t do that. If she takes a step back, take a step back as well. Give her lots of space.
Even though this is more than arms distance apart, at least she feels comfortable now. And that’s most important. You want her to feel comfortable and safe first, then create sexual tension later. So I might give her the space at first..
And then as we’re talking, I might take a step forward again. And now we’re arms distance apart again. And I’m going to notice her reaction again this time she didn’t take a step back.
Second P – PAUSING
Number two of the ways to turn a girl on instantly. The second includes a problem – most guys speak really, really fast and they break all the tension that’s there. They don’t even allow any tension in there because they said, *In a really fast and high-pitched tone* “Hey, I just saw you here and I thought you were really cute and hi, my name is Matt, what’s your name?” And there’s no tension at all.
She can feel how nervous you are and how you’re just not used to a woman of her caliber. And remember, women don’t date down. If she can feel like you are beneath her, like you don’t date women like her, then instantly, she won’t be attracted to you.
So the second thing you need to do, is pausing. You need to pause.. not just slow down. Because if you talk slow and monotonous, it’s really boring and it’s just going to put her to sleep.
Pausing. It hooks the person in. They want to know what’s coming next. When you pause at the right time, there’s a wrong way to pause of course. Just like in public speaking, by the way.
Pausing also shows confidence. It shows that you expect her to sit there or stand there and listen to what you have to say because you believe what you have to say has merit. It’s valuable confidence.

Third P – PITCH
Next number three in our ways to turn a girl on instantly is: Pitch. Most guys again, their tonality is very high and pleasing and they talk like this:(Demonstration in the video embedded) “Hi, I just saw you here. And I thought you’re really cute, please like me. I really hope you like me. I don’t want to offend you. I know I’m disturbing you from walking down the street and I don’t want to offend you.“
That’s nice guys. So their pitch goes up and I know I gave it away. Number three is pitch. And what I mean by that is your pitch needs to go down in tonality sounds more authoritative authoritative. Always think of this when thinking of ways to turn a girl on instantly:
Lower tonality. It sounds more commanding, more sure of yourself. Again, that displays confidence versus the nice guy pleasing. We want to go down in tonality. (Demonstration in the video embedded) “Hi. -pause + lower tonality- I just saw you here. -pause- And I thought you were really cute.” versus “Hi!! -high tonality- I just saw you here!! A-and I thought you were really cute and.. and..!”
I’m kind of overdoing it, but this is what I see or hear rather all the time on the first day of boot camp. And as we’re working on this in the field and working with models and they’re practicing this over and over again, then they get it down Pat. And then by the end of day, one, all of a sudden the women that they’re approaching are no longer going – “Okay, thanks.” They’re now saying “Ooh, hi! Wow, thank you.”
The reaction is like night and day.
Number four of the 5 ways to turn a girl on instantly. This one, probably not going to guess, but most guys have no touching during the daytime, which typically is fine because it’s kind of weird to be all touchy.
It’s fine to do that at a bar or club, but in a daytime situation at the mall or at the park or wherever, it’s a little tricky. BThere are ways to increase that physical intimacy, even within two or three minutes when you meet a woman. But one of the best ways to create sensual, sexual and romantic tension is through prolonged handshakes, because that is where you’re going to touch her.
There might not be any other touching in that first two or three minutes when you meet a woman during the daytime. But that handshake can really create a moment with her. Most guys, shake hands like this. (Demonstration in the video embedded) “Hi, nice to meet you!” One, two seconds pass, and then release.
Instead – What I want you to do is shake her hands like a man, not like a limp fish. Squeeze it like you would a man’s hand. (Demonstration in the video embedded) Don’t squeeze it and like make her fingers uncomfortable and bend, cause that’s gonna feel like you’re the type of man that would hurt her. Obviously she doesn’t want that unless she’s into like BDSM [which a lot of women are, surprisingly] But even then, she doesn’t want to be physically and totally abused, obviously. But if you do a weak handshake, then she assumes you’re a weak man.
And that is not attractive either. It won’t be one of the ways to turn a girl on instantly.. That that will kill all attraction immediately. Use a strong handshake.. one, two seconds, then let it linger, soften your hand after that the two or three second handshake so that she can easily pull away if she doesn’t want to linger with your hand. So one, two, now I’m softening it. (See video embedded for demonstration)
Now we’re talking and we’re just creating a moment. And there’s an intensity here, right? It’s a romantic movie moment. As long as we stand here. That’s great because really the longer it is, the more romantic and intense it will be.
Last, but definitely not the least in our 5 ways to turn a girl on instantly, piercing eye contact. Most guys kill the tension by looking down. Instead, you got to maintain that eye contact. And I don’t mean piercing eye contact like being creepy and weird. I’m talking about a gaze.
You’re looking at her like you know she wants you. As if she meets your standards, that you guys are gonna have the most romantic, intimate and sensual experience, maybe you’re even looking at her like you would rock her world in bed.. if she’s so lucky, because that is very powerful eye contact versus looking down.
And most guys have no idea that they’re even breaking eye contact until we film them and we review the footage back and they can see, Oh wow. I looked away like three times during a crucial moment of the interaction.. In the very beginning and just something so simple like that, just looking down just for a split second, it’s like a millisecond. She can feel that you’re just not comfortable and it breaks the sexual tension and most of them, just lose attraction and lose interest that quickly.
Now, if you do this wrong, you can literally repel women and creep them out. I want you to really look at her.
Yeah, I know it sounds simple. But you’d be surprised at how many guys really mess this up – because what type of message would it send her? If you just look at the ground a few times, or you look at the wall or even, even just breaking eye contact subtly a few times. This shows her that you can’t handle the tension of that interaction and that she is out of your league.
And basically you don’t deserve a woman like her, or you’re not used to women like her in your life. Now I’m not saying that you should stare at her the entire time with a crazed look in your eye. You don’t want her to think you’re a serial killer.
But what I can tell you is that using piercing eye contact correctly is one of the most powerful ways to turn a girl on instantly, and also to connect with a woman on a deeper level.
Social psychologist, Zick Rubin, discovered that two people in conversation normally make eye contact only 30 to 60% of the time. However, couples that are in love look at each other 75% of the time or more. When you look at your partner, you’re showing that you’re totally focused on what she is saying and that you feel relaxed and open to this person. And you’re comfortable around this person.
You’re used to this person, how much we look into someone else’s eyes not only helps us establish intimacy. And of course, it’s another way to release oxytocin, which is known as the love drug, but it also reveals how much intimacy might already be present. So when in conversation with a woman that you really like maintain strong eye contact with her about 75% of the time, I can’t stress this enough.
I want you to understand just how seductive and endearing and powerful piercing eyes really is when talking to a woman, just picture yourself in an everyday situation. Like you’re at the grocery store or you’re at Starbucks and you meet a cute woman. Now imagine you’re glancing down at the floor a few times looking to the side, I think she’d see you as a competent and honest guy? Of course not.
If you can’t even look her in the eye, then why would she trust you? When you think of ways to turn a girl on instantly, ask yourself – Why would she give you her phone number or go on a date with you? Now, imagine you’re giving her piercing eye contact. How would that make her feel? She’ll probably trust you more, which means she’s more likely to talk to you and go on a date with you.. maybe even sleep with you.
Watch the video + demonstration below:
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Now, if this seems like a lot to take in, I understand. And remember, you’re not alone. A lot of guys out there feel the same way until they sat down with them, with my team. And in fact, I recently had a student who was completely unaware that he was looking down to avoid eye contact and the women felt like he was looking at their breasts and he wasn’t, he wasn’t a weird creepy guy. (But he definitely had little to no experience with the ways to turn a girl on instantly..)
And he was just, he just couldn’t handle the eye contact, but his interactions were ending very quickly and he was getting really frustrated. And as soon as he fixed just that one subtle thing, it’s such a small thing, but at the same time, it’s huge. And when we pinpointed that blind spot, his interactions completely took a 180. And all of a sudden women not only were having two, three, four minute interactions with him in the supermarket or here on the beach, for example, but they would just melt in his presence.

That’s all for now, man! We’ve got more content coming up, (watch out for more about ways to turn a girl on instantly!) so I appreciate it if you support us by giving a like, subscribing, and if you want to reach out to other guys that need our advice – share our videos!
Stay awesome,
– Matt