Its always up to debate whether or not there’s a secret method to make women love you. You want to turn a girl on? You have to do this psychologically proven mindset that increases your confidence and status. All the things that attracts a woman more to you!
This amazing mindset will affect you if you’ve been living your life afraid to approach a girl. A good first step to learn how to talk to women curing that anxiety that comes even before you start talking to girls.
Here’s the video:
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This FREE Confidence Booster sheet has all you need to start increasing your confidence, and your steps to finally begin to eliminate anxiety that comes with interacting with women.
#1 Mindset
Get rid of the weird one liners. Those won’t turn a girl on naturally. Get rid of the awkward pickup lines, those won’t make women love you. Start embodying this ONE mindset:
You are a KING.
That’s it. Stop thinking you’re not good enough and that women don’t like you because it’s just not true. Women do like you. They just don’t like the sad, insecure, depressed version of yourself that you are portraying. Hopefully that’s not you, but just saying.
You see, a high quality woman doesn’t want a guy who swipes right on every chick’s picture hoping to get a match. You won’t turn a girl on that way. Women wont want the kind of guy who tries to cater to every girl at the bar.
She wants a guy who has a full exciting life with or without her in it, and he ultimately chooses her to enrich his life, not complete it. I’ve seen it over and over again what happens to a guy who doesn’t embody this mindset.
I recently had a client who would constantly agree with everything a woman would say to the point where it just didn’t seem genuine. I was with him at a bar listening in to his conversation and the girl brought up a movie that she loved, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And he said it was one of his favorite movies as well. She seemed suspicious and asked what his favorite scene was and I could tell he was starting to get nervous and he said, “when they arrived in Vegas” Then she asked him who his favorite actor was in the movie and he couldn’t answer and he just tried to change the subject. Uhh Johnny Depp! So after that, the conversation ended very quickly.
He was a really nice guy but at the end of the day a woman wants a man who isn’t trying to cater to her every whim. She wants to have playful arguments with a guy. The problem was that he was insecure, ashamed, and lacked any sense of masculine identity.
He didn’t have the king mindset and as a result he tried to conform to the woman’s ideas on things instead of just letting his own personality attract those who are right for him.
Thankfully I set him straight and now he’s figured out who he is and is unapologetic about it and is dating a gorgeous high-quality woman.
So, stop trying to be a replica of the guy you think women want you to be and start being 100% you.
Start seeing yourself as a King and watch how you filter out the people who you don’t click with and find the ones who you do. Now, I know this is a lot easier said than done, but don’t worry. I’m going to give you three practical ways so that you can start embodying the king mindset today.
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The first step in order to embody this mindset is to stop caring about what people think of you. This is so crucial not just to turn a girl on but on your overall confidence. Think about it like this. A good King isn’t gonna worry about pleasing ever person around him. He’s going to do what’s best for himself and his people no matter what.
Understand who you are as a person and just be confident in that because at the end of the day, no matter who you are, no matter what you do, and no matter what you look like, some people are just not going to like you.
That’s just how it is. Accept this rejection as a part of life and stop wasting your time on people who don’t matter. Because once you do, the people who do matter will be naturally attract into your life.
Look, I know you guys have probably already heard this before, right? But it has a lot of credibility. I mean, just think about some of the most popular celebrities. A lot of them say and do the most outlandish things, but at the end of the day it is their willingness to completely own their character, which makes us feel drawn to their presence.
My favorite example of this is Keenu Reeves. He’s not the most outgoing person. In fact, he seems like a shy introvert at times but he just owns it. He doesn’t apologize for who he is and women go crazy over him.
Another example is Chris Pratt. I mean it’s pretty obvious that he’s one of the most charismatic actors on this planet, but it doesn’t have anything to do with his good looks or wealth. It has everything to do with his ability to be completely himself, no matter what. I mean just watch any one of his interviews and you’ll quickly realize how he isn’t afraid to make fun of himself. He completely own this about himself, which is why we feel drawn to him
Now, I know confidence like this doesn’t come naturally to some people and when I say some people, I mean everybody, but guys, don’t worry. I have your free confidence cheat sheet listed in the description box below.
This 40 page guide is going to easily and effectively outline my top techniques to unleash your inner king. So go check it out:

The second way in order to embody this mindset is to..
Make a list of the characteristics you want the woman in your life to have.
Think about it, is a King going to hang out with women who are clearly not a match for him? No, instead, he has a clear idea of the type of queen he wants in his palace. You’ll be surprised how much you can turn a girl on by knowing what you want.
Use this analogy in your own life so you can be aware of the types of women that you want in your life. So go ahead and make a list either on a piece of paper or on your phone or computer.
Do it right now. Stop reading. I’ll wait.
Write down the qualities that you want the woman in your life to have. Now, this isn’t about being picky. This is just so you can be aware of the types of people that you want in your own life.
You may realize that some people you meet actually aren’t a good fit for you and that’s okay.
Don’t transform into the guy that you think they want you to be. Instead, see yourself as a prize and move on and find someone who does meet your standards.
The third step in order to achieve this mindset is to..
Find your purpose and pursue it.
Go ahead and take some time to think about what your purpose in your life is and do not answer women or relationships. Constantly placing people above yourself like that is going to severely weaken your character.
Instead, see yourself as a King and build your kingdom. Do some soul searching, find your purpose and go pursue it.
This one is powerful because it’s actually proven that having a purpose in life makes you appear more attractive.
This is because purpose-driven people naturally radiate this positive, ambitious attitude that people around them also want to have. There is actually-gin a study that looked at different yearbook photos and they would attribute different positive or negative character traits to each of the photos.
At the end of the study it was actually found that those photos with the positive characteristic traits were seen as more attractive.
So whatever your purposes in life, go out there and do it.
Maybe you’re an aspiring musician, then go find an open mic you can perform at. Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur, then find a mentor who can help accelerate your business.
These are things you can do to help you get to that next step. And actually going out and taking small steps is going to help you make progress.. As opposed to just staying stagnant doing nothing.
On the plus side, as you are working on yourself and discovering your purpose and pursuing it. It is going to force you to say no to her more often because you’ll be busy.
That’s okay. This will just prove to her that you’re actually doing something for yourself. It’s gonna make you more passionate and make you more desirable.
So just to recap, number one, stop caring about what people think of you. A King does what he wants. Number two, List the characteristics of the people you want in your life. The King hangs out with royalty. And number three, find your purpose and pursue it. A King rules his kingdom.
Don’t forget to hit subscribe and check out our free confidence cheat sheet below. It has more mindsets and 18 practical and simple daily habits you can do to boost your confidence! You’ll become fearless around women and every aspect of life:

And if you want us to help you develop the mindset, beliefs and skills to meet, attract and date your dream woman then make sure to apply for a free break through session and check out our live workshop schedule down below.
Hit me up on Instagram send me a DM! We can chat about how to turn a girl on, or any issues that are holding you back with women.
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, click the bell icon, and please like this video. And let me know down in the comments what other videos you’d love to see:
My name’s Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man. I’ll see you in the next video or hopefully a live workshop soon!