Tinder is still one of the fastest growing dating apps in the world.
But there’s a huge problem you’ve probably experienced already…
There are so many single men swiping and competing for the same beautiful women on Tinder, that it’s hard to match with the women you actually want.
So how do you stand out from all the other guys?
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I’m going to be brutally honest with you men, in today’s time and era we now have more single people than ever before, so if you are feeling like the fishing pond is a little crowded that’s because it is!
So, the competition is high and it means that you can’t just rely on the casual photo to win her over anymore. Truth is you literally have 1/10th of a second before she decided if she will swipe left or right on you. Like literally that’s a split second #ouch
So here are my tips to help you leave an impression before and after she chooses you:
# 3 Choose a Great Primary Photo
Your first photo is everything, it literally is the deciding factor of whether or not she will read your profile or even look at your other pics. And don’t scoff at this guys because we all know that you do the same. We are human and it’s normal to be drawn to someone or not purely because of how they look.
So here are the rules with profile photos:
A Photo of You
make sure it’s you of you right now, close up with natural lighting and nothing covering your eyes, because to a woman this doesn’t help build trust. And don’t forget to smile, statistics show that profile picture with a smile get more engagement
A Photo of You in a Group
Group photos helps show you have a social life and are fun plus it doesn’t make your profile seem like you’re too into yourself. Just make sure this isn’t your opening photo as then it becomes a guessing game!
A photo of You Dressed Up
Women love a man in a nice collared shirt, we think it looks sophisticated and classy. You don’t have to be in a tux, a simple white button up shirt always works a treat!
A couple Photos of You Doing a Hobby
This is a great way to help communicate who you are and what you like, which will get a girl with similar interests to you wanting to know more. Plus it shows that you are active and fun!

#2 Make Your Bio Original
Now of course aside from your pics you also need to make your bio interesting. Because after she sees your face she will then want to know a little about you.
The first rule is to not lie about your age or open up with a cheesy one-liner. Keep it short and simple but make sure it has something to laugh about in there. Humour, intelligence, and originality will set you apart from every other man out there.
Your bio should be a brief idea of who you are, what you like and what you’re looking for. No one needs to know your life history or needs to be lectured. Play it cool, but don’t take yourself too seriously.
They work because they have humor behind them and aren’t too full on or serious!
#1 Initiate a Date Straight Away
And lastly, if you want to really get ahead of the crowd, then initiate a conversation straight away. Don’t wait to say hello and introduce yourself, step up and send her that message.
But make sure it’s more than a one worded conversation like “hey” …. crickets**
If you’re stuck for conversation then all you need to do is follow the following flow:
Introduce with confidence – Hey’s what’s up ….as opposed to Hi my name is Rob, it’s great to meet you! ..are going to get two different responses. Own who you are and stand up!
Compliment – Telling her she’s hot…or has a great body as opposed to saying “You have a great smile, or your eyes are quite stunning are again sending two different messages – If you are complimenting stay away from anything overly sexual, make her feel beautiful not hot!
Ask Questions – get the flow going and try to get to know her straight away , show your interest. If you are stuck for conversation then download our cheat sheet, but the general rule is to ask about her day, interests, friends and what she likes!
Keep it casual and light
If you start going hardcore like ”I think you are really full of soul and I feel a connection and I would love to discover how we can really get to know each other intimately“ ….as opposed to “You’re fun to talk to, this has seriously made my day “ ….again two different reactions. The goal with any woman on any first encounter or date is simple: MAKE HER LAUGH AND FEEL SAFE.
Ask her out!
Be bold and ask her out. Take control and start to lead her straight from the get-go.
You want to get in before the other chaps she’s speaking to, so be the one to actually start to organize a real date or drinks.
There’s no point just spending weeks chatting, get her number and go out on a date and get to know the girl in person.
Other men don’t have to be your competition if you know how to set yourself apart right from the start. And all of the above is easy and achievable ways to do it.
But if you need help with knowing how to talk to a woman either in person or on a dating app then download our free conversation cheat sheet by clicking on the image on the bottom, right now!

-Download the Conversation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to her.
You get:
- Our top conversation starters for any situation…
- Simple techniques to never run out of things to say…
- A list of my favorite games to play that create a fun-flirty vibe
- And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
- And more!
I’m Renee Slansky for The Attractive Man and I’ll see you in my next video!
Bye for now!