After sending thousands of text messages, we can tell you exactly how to text a girl you like.
You have her phone number, now what do you do?

What do you text so she wants to see you again?
And, how do you text her so you don’t sound like all the OTHER guys texting her?
FACT: If she is an attractive woman, she has other guys texting her.
If you send the same boring text messages that other guys are sending, she will dismiss you, stop responding, and completely lose interest.
So many guys mess up the texting interaction. It is a small, but CRUCIAL step in dating.
To help you out, we created this fun and useful infographic that will guide you to get the date. But first, let me go over the ground rules for texting girls…
Ground Rules For What To Text A Girl…
- Keep Your Texts short and to the point.
- Text like a man, don’t be a wimp.
- If she’s not responding to your text messages, it’s probably because she wasn’t a strong connection in person.
- Don’t be boring. Keep your texts fun and playful.
- Don’t text her too often. Remember, you are a busy guy with things to do.
- You are the prize. Don’t put her on a pedestal.
- Girls will flake. Don’t let it affect you.
- Don’t send sexual text messages too early, unless you are advanced.
- Go for the date/hangout quickly. (As long as there was a connection)
- Remember, no pictures of your junk.
For more advice on seducing women through text, check out our program, Turn Her On Through Text.
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