These are my 10 Signs She Wants To Sleep With You!
Back in the day, I used to miss all the signals. One time, a girl told me she wasn’t wearing any underwear and I still didn’t make the move. I MISSED IT!
Today, I’m going to reveal THE 10 universal signs that reveal a girl is eager to go home with you. These apply whether you are on a date, meet her at a bar or even meet her during the day walking down the street.
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#10. She is receptive to your touch.
Start small and work your way up. Going too strong can land you a slap or worse, a rape accusation. Women don’t like it rough right away!
If she’s receptive to your small touches here and there, say, holding her back, then her shoulder, her arm. Then her waist. If she’s comfortable with that, try working your way up and you’ll eventually get the hint she wants you to touch her all the time!
Of course, get the hint if she’s shying away or reacting negatively. Like I said, there are always limits to your touch, especially when she’s not receptive to you.
Check out our 10 SIGNS SHE WANTS TO SLEEP WITH YOU to find out more.
Even when she gives you these signals you still have to make your move, which is why I created this awesome FREE escalation cheat sheet:

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