Are you sure a girl is being true to you? Here are some signs she is using you…
No one wants to date a time waster or someone who isn’t who they really are.
So how can you be sure the girl you are dating isn’t just putting on an act?
How do you know if she is putting on a façade just to please you?
And are you sure that you won’t get surprised later on when the real her comes out?!
Watch today’s Wing Girl Wisdom to find out the top signs she is using you:
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Is she being Real or is she Playing you?!
Let’s talk about FAKE women, the ones who seem to change as soon as you commit to them! If you have ever dated a girl who seems happy, flirty and amazing in the beginning and then changes later on after a few months , then you will want to stay to watch this entire video ….because I’m going to give you some awesome tips on how to identify those types of girls and make sure you don’t get caught out! So make sure you subscribe now and give us a big thumbs up!
One of the reasons I wanted to do this video was because I asked over 1200 men what they wanted me to talk about and this is the one thing that keeps coming up!
So, here are my tips to being able to identify if she is the real deal or an imposter!
There are two types of female simple behaviors when it comes to relating to men :
1: When they want something from you
2: When they don’t want something from you
If you think you know someone after a few dates let alone 2 months you are wrong! And, just because you’ve gotten to third base still doesn’t mean you know her.
When a woman first meets you she will be smiley, feminine and flirty, but that’s because she wants something from you. Problem is, you think that’s her normal default character, so when she gets what she wants which might be marriage or babies, she then switches to her normal default behavior which could be totally the opposite, hence feeling like you have gotten two different women!
The only way to get to know someone’s true intentions and character is over time.
Don’t feel that just because you are the man you have to rush into making her feel in a secure relationship, you have every right to take your time and also get to know who you are committing too.
If she’s pressuring you to speed things up then you have to ask yourself why and if she seems too good to be true ( because the real ones will have some flaws but still be a good woman) then she probably is!
The best way to get to know someone’s character and intentions is to look at who they hang with, how they respond and what they are consistent in.
If you really want to get to know a girl for who she is and not who she pretends to be, then date her in different circumstances.
Don’t just go on dinner and drink dates, see how she responds when you do things that you enjoy (like a baseball game or hang with your mates) does she put on an act even though you can tell she doesn’t like it?
Does she turn into a yes girl even though you saw her tell her friends she hates sport?
Does she complain or act like high maintenance when she doesn’t get her way? or is she flexible, gracious and know how to see the positive in each situation.
Someone who has a hidden agenda or only wants something from you will usually be more high maintenance and demanding. Which leads me to my next point…
This isn’t about playing games, but rather getting to know who she really is. One way to test her is to ask contradicting questions to see if she just agrees with whatever you say. Then call her out on it!
If she has a wishy-washy doormat answer every time then you can guarantee that she is just trying to please you to earn brownie points.
Ask her questions which you might already know the answer to eg: if she watched the game and if she said yes, asked her who won…to see if she is telling the truth or not.
Guys, a woman who doesn’t always agree with you doesn’t mean she’s high maintenance, it means she is being real and isn’t afraid to say it. Plus, you guys like a bit of a challenge, right?
A woman who doesn’t have her own thing going on will automatically make you her focus. This means she will start to do what she thinks you want her to do and probably start to lose her own identity.
If you want a real woman, then a big sign she is one is that her life won’t stop when she meets you! She won’t put you on a pedestal and still have her own career, friendships, hobbies and goals because she loves what she is creating and isn’t trying to live for a man!
You can tell a lot about someone by who they associate with. Are her friends fake and opinionated or are they genuine and nice? People become a product of their environment, so make sure her crowd is full of decent women who have their own thing going on and not just a girl gang who are hunting down men.
If you really want to know if she is real or not then take note of what she talks about. Is she always talking about just being in a relationship? Does she often compare you and her to her friend’s relationships? Does she say one thing and then do something the complete opposite?
Women who are focused solely on having a relationship will often talk about it more than they need too. There will also be some insecurity and be constantly trying to prove to you that they are the right girl.
Guys, it’s a tough game out there sometimes because some women can be really good at hiding the real them, so if you haven’t had any luck then do yourself a favor and attend one of our Bootcamps or intensive workshops.
In the meantime make sure you download our free conversation cheat sheet. This will help you know exactly what to say and when to say it so that you can help work out which girl is worth perusing!
Download the Conversation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to her.

You get:
- Our top conversation starters for any situation…
- Simple techniques to never run out of things to say…
- A list of my favorite games to play that create a fun-flirty vibe
- And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
- And more!
Also, if you’re not subscribed, HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!… and if you want us to personally show you how to meet women, check out our boot camp schedule.
I’m Renee Slanksy for The Attractive Man and I’ll see you in my next video!
Bye for now!