Why do you need a porn addiction cure? Did you guys hear the news about the man that died after masturbating sixty two times in a row on Valentine’s Day?!
I guess now we know the magic number is sixty one times! Right? Right? *Cricket Noise*
But jokes aside.. guys always ask each other – “Why would you want to quit porn anyway? I mean, isn’t it just part of being a man? Isn’t it just what we guys do?“
And my answer is – NO! It’s literally one of the worst habits you can have!
While it seems all innocent and good it actually depletes your motivation to meet and attract women in real life. And when you do have a woman, it makes it really hard to “get it up.” Why? because you’re so used to getting aroused by women in porn videos that you no longer get arousal from women in real life.
It also depletes your dopamine, (the happy hormone) which makes you depressed. So It makes everyday things like seeing the sunrise just seem bland and boring. It gives you unrealistic expectations when it comes to women and sex. It depletes your confidence level, and creates shame and anxiety!
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Look, man, for a lot of guys, including myself, quitting porn was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It can almost feel impossible like the temptation is just too great and it’s easier to just give up and give in. Is there really a porn addiction cure out there?!
Well, the truth is that you’re likely just making a few small mistakes.. And with some tiny adjustments that I’m about to give you, you can finally stop relapsing and start being super proud of yourself for finally quitting porn for good.
Why is it so hard to quit porn?
# 1 The Dopamine Rush
It’s pretty simple. We get that mega-hit of dopamine every time we watch it. Dopamine, the happy hormone, is excreted everytime a “stimulus” is encountered by the body. Like the video and audio you have when opening porn. This hormone is responsible for making you feel great – when your body is used to feel so good when you watch porn, then everyday things like eating your favorite food will pale in comparison to watching it.
This can lead to a dangerous addiction where you’ll feel that watching it is a “need” instead of a “want” and you’ll replace your actual “needs” like food, water, social interactions, self-fulfilment with it instead. The same principle applies to drugs and alcohol. Even video games. Don’t let it replace healthy, positive things in life.
And no, I’m not saying video games are bad. But too much of a good thing is bad for you. If you’re spending 12 hours on a game when you should have been working, studying, or even eating and exercising, then thats a bad habit you need to remove. (Same with watching porn!)
Just make sure your dopamine levels are high. Do other things that give you fulfillment, have small goals and accomplish your goals on a regular basis every single day and you won’t feel such
an urge to watch porn.
# 2 Willpower is Not Dependable
There was a study in Israel that looked at the decision of parole board judges as to why they would let some prisoners get parole and others they would deny. They found a pattern and it had nothing to do with their ethnic background, crimes or sentences.
It was all about timing.
The study showed that the judges were a lot more likely to grant the prisoner’s parole if the prisoner was seen early in the morning or right after lunch. That’s because after a while of making decisions, who gets parole and who doesn’t get parole, the judges would get tired, they would have “decision fatigue“, and it was just easier to deny them parole.
Now the study may have nothing to do with a porn addiction cure, but the same concept of “decision fatigue” is true for porn and other addictions.
When you get exhausted, you tend to make decisions on “auto-mode” and well, porn is an easy way to gratify yourself negatively. You can apply the same principle with drugs and alcohol. Your willpower will get depleted and you will resort to the easy way out the moment you feel tired and stressed.
Don’t rely on willpower alone. Follow the steps and methods I show in my content to help yourself add extra barriers, like apps and setting changes on your phone and computer. Once your willpower yields, you won’t automatically go for negative things when you have other steps blocking them out.
# 3 Its Too Accessible
Literally just a click away on our phones.
Internet + mobile devices + free porn available on the net = huge temptation, right?
Back then you had to get your hands on some magazines. After that, some VHS’s, then CD’s.. then the internet and when you owned a computer. Next was laptops and finally – smartphones. It became more and more accessible with every new step of technology.
With porn getting more accessible.. the temptation to avoid it obviously becomes even more difficult to even think about getting a porn addiction cure.
You need to make it harder to access. Take your phone away. Keep it away during times when you are most tempted. Add blockers to your connections to porn. Remove and restrict websites. Do what you can so your access becomes limited. Step 2 below can help you with it.

4 STEPS To Quitting Porn For Good
STEP 1 – Ask Yourself “WHY?”
Sometimes asking yourself questions before doing things is the key to making either good or bad decisions. Even then, when you’ve already made the bad decision (i.e. watched porn) asking yourself these questions will help you learn from it. And hopefully use your experience and answers to get your porn addiction cure. (Never watch porn again!)
Ask yourself:
“Why did you relapse?”/Why did you watch porn?“
“What was the event that led up to you watching porn?”
“What mental state were you in?”
“Were you feeling really tired? Were you a little bit depressed?”
“Did you just get in a fight with someone?”
“What time of day did you look at it?”
“Was it like right before lunch where you really, really hungry or was it at the end of the day right before going to bed?”
And then you need to see if you can stop doing or change the event leading up to watching porn. Maybe you were scrolling through Instagram and you were doing some searches and you saw a lot of attractive half naked Instagram models and that made you a little excited.
And then, of course, one thing led to another. That would mean you either need to uninstall Instagram or at least stop scrolling and looking at Instagram models.
One common factor for a lot of guys is just boredom. Now, that might not be enough. So next you need to —
STEP 2 – Make it Harder to Access
One thing I do when I’m sleeping alone is I put my phone outside of my room because that’s a temptation for me. When I go to bed and I’m looking at my phone, I’m real tired.. It’s just so easy to type in something that I know I’m going to regret later.
- So if you know that you’re looking at it on your phone, and it’s a certain time of day, then you need to put your phone away or give your phone to a friend. Or at least put it out of reach.
- Maybe it’s on your computer at home because you work from home and you start getting stressed out from work. And it’s just kind of a way
for you to take the edge off. If that’s the case, then go to a cafe and work because you’re probably not going to do it there!
(If you get thrown out of the cafe or arrested.. Not my fault. You SERIOUSLY have a problem if you watch it in public!) - Another way to make it harder to access is to use a porn blocker. I recommend something like Blocker X for your smartphone. I use it myself and it’s just one extra barrier, even though I know I can uninstall it or just turn it off, it’s just going to take more effort because It’s going to have to be a conscious decision for me to do that.
STEP 3 – Change Your Identity
Changing your identity is a powerful tool to give yourself the strength mentally to destroy your porn addiction. Its one a go-to porn addiction cure! One amazing example is to do this:
Instead of labeling yourself as a “porn addict” change it to “A man who gets fulfillment from real life.” I tell myself every single day. Allow only positive content into my mind and body. I’ve brainwashed myself into knowing this so that I only look at positive things and I only put things into my body that are helpful instead of harmful.
Personally, I don’t believe the whole Alcoholics Anonymous – “Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic!” Because then you have the identity of an alcoholic. Which means you’re going to be more likely to slip up and relapse. Do you think that’s a good identity? “Once a porn addict, always a porn addict?”
I personally believe if your identity is “I’m an alcoholic” or in this case, “I’m a porn addict“, that’s not a very empowering identity. Instead, change your identity to “I’m a man who can conquer anything. And I’m a man who only puts positive content into my body.“
Tell yourself that you get fulfillment from real life, not this fake fantasy world. And don’t say “I’m NOT a porn addict” or “I DON’T watch porn” because then you’re still focusing on porn and your subconscious mind doesn’t hear the “not.“
It just hears “I watch porn“, which is going to make you want to do it.
STEP 4 – Write Down Your Identity & Read It Every Day
Finally, for your final step in this porn addiction cure journey: Write down your new identity right now. Take a piece of paper and a pen right now and writeit down. Then brainwash yourself with this positive, amazing, powerful new identity.
Write it down every single day and read it every single day until it becomes just who you are. Once you do that, even if you relapse, it’s not a big deal because you don’t see yourself as a porn addict.
It just might be one little slip up. Then you go back to living your life – of being a man who gets his fulfillment from his family, his work, accomplishing his goals and beautiful women in real life.
And look, man, if you’re a single guy and you’d some help meeting and attracting beautiful women, check out my channel, my website and my blog – because I know it’s tough and a lot of single guys give up because they don’t want to get rejected.
That is one of the many factors why guys end up watching a lot of porn because it satisfies that need in an easy, accessible, but negative way.
But trust me, man, maybe you haven’t experienced the real thing yet, but the real thing is ten times better.
And whether you’re single or in a relationship, make sure to download my free Confidence Cheat Sheet that will give you eighteen different ways that are proven by science to boost your confidence and help you eliminate fear. In fact, all of the eighteen habits in the Confidence Cheat Sheet will give you a dopamine boost, help you feel better about yourself and increase your willpower, thus making you able to handle temptation.
As you’re overcoming this addiction, the Confidence Cheat Sheet will help you just feel a lot more confident. So download it, man:

That’s all for now man. Hope you found my porn addiction cure helpful. Share it with guys who you think will greatly benefit from it.
Keep up all the great work and stay awesome!
See you in my next video and post.
Matt Artisan