Online dating? If you’re wondering what to do during the COVID-19 pandemic, look no further…
In this video, I will show you how to continue improving your dating life (while also being safe and social distancing) with online dating during this uncertain time!
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Dating During the COVID-19 Pandemic
While online dating is not usually the first place you’d want to meet women, when you’re in the middle of a pandemic like this, you don’t have many other options.
So how do you make the most of your online dating profile?
Well, that’s what you’re going to learn here today. You see, there’s a big difference between “winging it” and having a solid strategy for what you put on your dating profile. I’m going to walk you through everything you need, including…
x The 3 C’s of online dating at 4:08
x Which pictures you should and should NEVER have on your dating profile at 7:30
x Matt’s 2 truths and 1 lie profile description for engaging girls on free platforms (like tinder) at 12:32
x The main difference between free platforms and paid platforms (a must-watch no matter which platform you’re on) at 15:44
x And more…
More videos here: ►This ONE Mindset Makes Girls Chase You:
►Never Lose Hope – Motivation Inspiration Video:
►How to STOP Being Insecure:

We’re giving out the Escalation Cheat Sheet for FREE! It has all you need to learn how to turn women on, how to take the lead in the interaction, and how to take things to the next level!
Make sure to check out our other videos about online dating, how to talk to women, how to attract women, lifestyle, fashion, grooming, mindset tips and advice, over on our channel – ►
Our team wishes you, your friends and your family all the best.
Keep safe during these times. And its best to always think of how your actions impact others and the community.
Do you research, wash your hands, and avoid going out for now – take care, man! When we all walk out of this together, we’ll definitely be triumphant. AND ready to approach women like a man!