In today’s video, I’m talking about the ONE THING GUYS leave out when flirting with women. Click the link below to help you master how to flirt with women.
If you leave this part out, she won’t feel special. She’ll feel like you only want her for her looks.
She will see you like all the other guys.
Yup, we’re talking about qualification.
I go into the details in this video.
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Qualifying. It shows that you have standards, shows that you are a challenge, which presupposes that you must have other women in your life, other women at her caliber.
Here’s what to say to qualify: I don’t know anything about you, so I don’t know if we can hang out yet, but tell me one cool thing about you because I’m very picky. What are you, what are you passionate about it? Like what are you?
I imagine she’s gorgeous, knockout, right? The supermodel. But you normally date average looking women. What do you do? You treat her like every other woman.
But, most guys wouldn’t do that. They’d be, wow, yeah, I’ll take you to your favorite restaurant. I’ll take you out anytime. I’m free all week. Most guys would throw themselves at her. Do you want to be like other guys? Just treat her like normal and qualify her. You’re not sure of her and you want to find out if she’s the right fit for you. That shows that you must date women of her caliber, of her quality and of her status. And women want a guy who has higher status than them.
So, if you have the body language and you communicate that you date women of lower status, she’s not going to be interested. No woman wants to date a guy who dates women of lower status.
When you approach her in this relaxed way that I just showed you, it shows that you’re comfortable around her.
You’re comfortable around beautiful high quality women and that you expect them to like you. You wouldn’t approach a girl if you didn’t think she wouldn’t like you. You wouldn’t approach a girl if you expected rejection, you know, a guy wouldn’t do that. It doesn’t make sense, oh, this girl’s not going to like me because I don’t date women like her. She’s way too beautiful for me, but I’m gonna go talk to her anyway.
When you qualify, right away, she’s going to think you are high status. You are telling her, I don’t even know if I want your number because I don’t even know if you’re up to my status.
I don’t even know if you’re worthy enough for me to get your phone number and this isn’t like an egotistical thing like you’re better than her, but it’s just you don’t know.
You don’t know what she is. You don’t know if she can be a great woman, she could be a terrible woman. You don’t know. You’re just trying to find out. In the daytime situation, you don’t have time to find out everything.

Her looks got her foot in the door. That’s why you’re talking to her, but now she has to win you over so that you actually want her phone number.
First. You got to have standards. You’ve got to have what are the non-physical attributes that you’re looking for in a woman, so your homework assignment and write this down: make a list of 10 nonphysical qualities that you want in a woman and be specific.
Don’t just say, I want to grow with a good personality. What does that mean? What kind of personality do you want to grow with? A great sense of humor? What kind of sense of humor?
There are types of humor that you wouldn’t be attracted to. Do you like kind of offbeat, sarcastic humor? Slap-stick? Have five non-physical qualities that are non-negotiable. She must have those five. Then you could have five that you’d like in a woman but are okay with them not having those qualities. Like, I love a girl that can cook, but if she can’t cook, that’s not a deal breaker.
Qualifying does make her like you. It does make her see you as higher status. It gets her to qualify herself to you. Then, therefore, she’s investing in the interaction. She’s working for you. We as humans, we appreciate what we have to work for.
Think about if somebody just gave you a free car here, here’s the keys to a brand new car. It’s yours. You think you’d take care of it as well as if you had to work for two years to save up for that car,
Appreciate what you have to work for. Take care of it more. You value it more. If you don’t make her work for it at all, she’s not going to value it. The number’s not going to be solid. Qualifying is a technique that gets her to like you more, but it’s not just the technique. It isn’t a trick or a gimmick. It should be real. You should actually want to see if there’s something more about her. Qualifying is about finding and connecting to the woman of your dreams.
Now sometimes I get guys that are like, well, I don’t care. I haven’t gotten laid in so long. I just need a girlfriend or I need a date.
I tell them to qualify anyway because if they keep doing it, they keep asking those qualification questions, eventually, they’ll care about the answer. Maybe not the first couple of times, but eventually you will care and meet a girl who just gives you some crap answer and you’ll be like, oh, I don’t like that.
And you’ll leave… when you leave a beautiful woman because she didn’t match your qualifications. That’s a powerful moment. It’s like, Whoa, I have a choice.

Thanks for being here, man! If you want to know more, or you want us to train you – click here.
-Matt Artisan
Awesome post Matt, just tweeted this. I seriously never thought that qualifying can so much important and powerful. Now I realize if she doesn’t qualify or doesn’t meet your standards, you gotta look for another fish in the sea that is more compatible with you, that way you don’t waste your and her time. Thanks a lot 🙂