Discover how to never run out of things to say during a date!
And that’s with a girl you REALLY like…
Did you ever just run out of things to say? The awkward silence is unbearable… and it definitely doesn’t help your chances of making her like you. But that’s okay because there’s an EASY way to make sure that never happens again…

In this video, Matt Artisan reveals one fail-proof technique to never running out of things to say on a date – so you never have to experience awkward silence again.
I’m going to give you one of my favorite techniques to use on a date. I use this on all of my dates because it’s a fun way to create a connection with her and also leads into a more romantic vibe.
The technique that I like to use to always keep the conversation going is The Questions Game.
At any point in the date just say, “hey let’s play a game it’s called the questions game. it’s a fun way to get to know each other. It’s kind of like truth or dare but without the dare.”
Now let me explain the Rules…
Rule #1: You can’t ask the same question that’s already been asked. So no repeat questions.
Rule #2: The questions have to be good. No lame questions like what’s your favorite color or what’s your dog’s name. Keep it interesting, topics such as relationships, sex, digging up dirt, secrets, are all fair game.
Rule # 3: She goes first. This is fun because it puts some pressure on the girl. It also let’s you know where her head is at. If she asks a sexual question right away then you might want to cut the game short and high tail it back to your place.
But generally speaking you want to start off with…
Interesting Questions to Get To Know Each Other.
“If we could go anywhere in the world right now where would we go?”
“If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?”
“What’s your biggest fear?”
“What is something you are really proud of?”
“Tell me an embarrassing moment”
Then after a while start transitioning into
Relationship Questions
“What kind of relationship are you looking for right now?”
“Have you ever had a one night stand?”
“What qualities do you like in a man?”
“Would you rather have a man that is an amazing lover or has lots of money? why?”
“What is your craziest or worst first date you ever had?”
And then Relationship questions flow right into
Sexual Questions
“What’s your favorite position?”
“What’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?”
“Have you ever been with a girl?”
“When was the last time you had sex?”
“How many partners have you had”
It’s a game people so anything is fair game. She can’t get mad that you asked a really sexual question because it’s just a game!
Remember that any of her answers can turn into a full-fledged conversation, just say something like “wow you have to tell me that story.” And then just go into normal conversation and storytelling.
So the great thing is that you can always go back to the question game when you can’t think of anything to say. When the conversations dies down and there’s an awkward silence just say, “hmm who’s turn was it”? And then bam you are right back into the game again.
So there you have it. This game is awesome so Try this out on your next date or even the next time you meet a girl and leave a comment down below and tell me how it works for you.
Now, we have a free training video where I break down hidden camera footage of me going from an approach to an instant date in under 3 minutes. Yup, I show you exactly what I say to create a romantic vibe from the beginning and escalate to a date quickly.

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