Own these 7 must have items for single men to be more successful with women. If you already have these, make sure you’re carrying them and making these items available for you to use – make them accessible! If not, then we recommend you get them right away:
7 Must Have Items For Single Men
There are certain things that every single man should own. Not only to get more dates with beautiful women, but also just live the best bachelor life possible, but.. mostly to get more dates. So the following list is my essentials that you must have your a single man.
Number 7 – Paid Version Of Tinder
Now online dating is NOT my preferred method for meeting women. However, if you’re traveling to different places, different countries, then you can actually set up dates ahead of time, like a week or two ahead of time. If you have the paid version of Tinder, because you can change your location and you can start swiping, matching, and messaging women ahead of time before you even arrive!
In fact, I’ve had plenty of times where I arrive in a new city and I already had a date that very same night, the first night that I arrived, but I also know how frustrating it can be when you’re swiping. You’re not getting a lot of matches and you’re sending messages. When you finally do get a match and she doesn’t reply, or she does reply, but then it just doesn’t lead to a date.
We actually have our online dating expert to help deal with that, so if you’re interested, we have our online dating programs ready for you.
In our program, She’s actually going to look at your profile and tell you which pictures to remove, what pictures that you need to add. What kind of pictures that you need to take the best first message to send. She’s going to totally redo your bio and just give you a whole profile makeover. So make sure to check that out because it’s absolutely worth it. And it’s a great feeling when you arrive in a city and you already have dates lined up.
Number 6 – Osmo Mini Gimbal
Because my preferred way of meeting women is not on Tinder, I much rather meet women in person, but I want to see what I look like. I want to film my approaches. So I just use this thing. I hold it right about here and it’s filming my face the whole time.
It doesn’t even really look like a camera. And if she does notice that I’m filming myself, it’s not a big deal. It doesn’t look like I’m filming her. So she usually isn’t going to care. But this is a great way for me to analyze my approaches afterwards.
You can use your phone too. And it works just as well.
If you can just walk up to a random woman and go on a date with her right then and there, then you don’t have to worry about all the texting and writing each other back and forth.
Start going for instant dates with women that you meet in everyday situations and bring your Osmo pocket gimbal with you. So you can analyze your facial expressions, your tone of voice and all your verbals in nonverbals. So you can figure out what you’re doing, right, and what you need to improve upon.
Number 5 – Sunglasses
Now this is not just to keep the sun out of your eyes. This is when you approach a beautiful woman. It can actually make the approach just seem even more badarse and really create kind of a movie moment with her. Because when you remove your sunglasses, when you do it in a slow, confident way.
I know it’s a little cheesy, but I’ve had so many women actually compliment me on the way I approach them. And specifically like the way I took off my sunglasses. I know it’s kind of silly, but it really creates intensity. And it creates a moment like when you pull down your sunglasses, especially slowly, it shows her that what you’re about to say is important. Cause you had to remove your sunglasses to tell her.
And the key, like I said, do it in a slow way. If you say, Hey, I just saw you here. You’re really cute. It has no effect, but if you slow down, you’re like, Hey, real quick, I just saw you here. And I just thought, you’re really pretty. She’s probably going to melt now.

Just get yourself a pair of sunglasses. To me, it doesn’t really matter. I only spent 10 or 15 bucks on sunglasses because I usually lose them or break them. And honestly, I don’t think people really pay attention to the brands that much I could be wrong. So sue me, if you love spending hundreds of dollars on sunglasses, that’s totally fine do it. It’s just not my thing.
Number 4 – Condoms
Now this seems obvious. Of course, you’re a grown man. You’ve gone through sex ed. I don’t think we need to talk about that. But a lot of guys just aren’t prepared. In fact, when I teach workshops and we’re going out that evening, I ask guys, Hey, who has a condom? And only usually about half the room has they have one on them.
And when you’re not prepared like that, not only could you find yourself in a position when you’re with a beautiful woman and now you can’t take things as far as you might want to, but also you’re telling your subconscious that you don’t expect intimacy to happen, that you don’t think a woman would want to go home with you.
When you put this in your front pocket, when you go out at night, whether it’s going for a date or going out to the bar or club, you’re telling yourself, your subconscious like, Hey, I’m a cool guy. I’m an attractive guy. There’s always a chance it might happen. So not only is it for safety and for preventing unwanted pregnancies, but can also be a slight unconscious confidence booster.
Number 3 – Gums or Mints
On that same token, make sure to always have gum or mints on you at all times when you leave the house, even if you’re not expecting to go on a date or expecting to meet a beautiful woman, you never know when and where you might meet a woman and go on an instant date with her. Especially if you’ve been watching a lot of the videos on this channel and you’ve been implementing what I teach you.
Then every time you see a beautiful woman, you at least go up to her and say hi, and at least try to make her day. But there’s a good chance. You might end up on an instant date with her and you might be making out with her at least be very close to her. You don’t want her to be turned off because your breath be stanky.
So it’s kind of like that subconscious mental boost, having the condom in your pocket, having mince on you at all times provide a little bit of a mental boost to your psyche. Cause you’re telling yourself, Hey, I might meet a beautiful woman at any time and we might be on an instant date and we might be making out. So I better be prepared.
Number 2 – Instagram
You might already have Instagram, but you might not be using it properly because nowadays just about every woman, more or less under the age of probably 35 has Instagram. Because women are obsessed with taking and showing off their pictures. And when she meets a new guy, such as yourself, she’s going to want to do her homework and make sure you’re a cool, or at least a normal guy, basically make sure you’re not a psycho..
And an easy way for her to do that is to find you on social media. And nowadays, a lot of girls aren’t on Facebook because of all the privacy issues and because you know, their mom and their grandparents are on social media. So it’s just not as cool as it used to be.
Nowadays. It’s pretty much all about Instagram and not only that, but a woman’s a lot more likely to give out her Instagram versus her phone number because her phone number is a lot more intimate. Maybe only her really close friends or family have her phone number. Whereas lots of guys might have her Instagram, so it can be used as a stepping stone to get her phone number. For example, when I first meet a woman, I say, Hey, do you have Instagram? Cool, what’s your Instagram here? Put it in my phone.
And I say, here put your number in too. And sometimes they put both other times they just put their Instagram and they say, they’re not comfortable giving out their phone number, which is totally fine. Cause then you can just message her or even better yet send her voice messages on Instagram and just go back and forth and get a date that way.
But of course the best option if you’re not busy and she’s not busy is go for an instant date. So I’m going to give you a copy of my free conversation cheat sheet, so that you know exactly what to do, what to say when you first see a woman that you want to approach, how to get an instant day and what to do when you’re on that date so that you don’t out of things to say, and that she sees you in the best light possible, and that you have a great date:

Number – Magic Wand Massager
And then finally, number one, my personal favorite is the magic wand massager. Because not only is it great to use on yourself when your legs are aching or you have any type of joint or muscle pain, but you can use it with a woman at the end of your date.
I usually just keep it out next to my bed and she’ll see it and say, what does that do? Then you just say, let me show you. And then you start massaging her back.
You can start massaging her legs. It feels really good. And it can definitely help lead things to intimacy, but not only that, but if you’re with a woman who has trouble having an orgasm, the magic wand massager will definitely do the trick!
That’s all for now, man! Make sure to check out our YouTube channel and our website if you’re interested in more of our free content. Till next time, cheers!