Romantic tension is the key to seduction.
Knowing how to properly utilize romantic tension is like harnessing a super power that will drive a woman crazy with overwhelming desire and makes her obsess over you. That’s why it is crucial that you use this power only for good.

The key to creating romantic tension is in the following 3 elements:
The Look: A strong seductive gaze that subcommunicates “I will give you the utmost satisfaction…if you play your cards right,” will instantly turn her on.
Tonality: Talking in a slow, low tone can put someone into a hypnotic state. Amp up the romantic tension even more by using…..wait for it…..long drawn out pauses.
Showing Your Desire: Most “nice guys” are afraid to convey their desire for a woman. But, women instinctually crave to be desired by a powerful, confident man. Demonstrating your desire towards her in a non-needy manner is key.
Watch as Leonardo DiCaprio uses these 3 core components of romantic tension to meet the cigarette girl in this scene from the movie The Aviator:
Could you feel the romantic tension?
Now, I understand that is a movie, however, what he just did right there works. He is conveying strong confidence. A guy that is timid or nervous around women would not have been able to do that.

Practice these elements of romantic tension. We will revisit this topic at another time. Now go out and seduce some beautiful women. They want it anyways…
Awesome scene. He’s one of my favorite actors ever. He plays this type of role with the 3 elements you mention above in almost, if not all his movies. Its my strong belief that he’s so in tune with this, that he’s like that in real life as well.
Yeah Ramo I agree. There are a lot of good scenes in his movies that you can learn from. And a lot of other good scenes in other movies that I will post in the future. When you pay attention to the subtleties in these scenes you can learn a lot 🙂
Hey I do Ice Breakers on females,, but real easily I’m serious when I say nice compliment to females then go for the status. This role is a good example of well type persona in my nature of my behavior towards females!
Call me cynical, but in REAL life, most women would slap him or call him a creep for suddenly touching her on what I believe was her thigh