How the heck would you know the answer to “is she the one for you?” If you could skip all the fakes and time wasters and just know that she is the right one, how much easier would life be?!
Well you’re in luck because in this video I’m going to give you 7 obvious signs that she is marriage material and you need to hold on to her!
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7 Signs She’s the One
The only thing worse than falling for the wrong girl, is falling for the right one, but then realising that after you have lost her to some other guy.
And more often than not, we fall for the wrong one because we confuse chemistry with compatibility , we fall in love with potential rather than patterns, or we don’t know her default character – which is who she really is when she’s not on her best behavior trying to impress you.
Ever notice how women tend to “change” after marriage or after you commit to her?
It’s scary because you almost feel like its a game of Russian roulette.
So, let’s look at how you can avoid that and keep the girl that is actually going to make you happy consistently
1: She won’t be easy, but she won’t be high maintenance
A lot of the time I work with men who come to me wanting a super glamorous girlfriend who gives them a little bit of a challenge . The only issue is, they can’t tell the difference between a pretty woman who is high maintenance and a pretty woman who gives a challenge, but does it out of self respect and setting boundaries.
This is a woman who will challenge you in a positive way. She won’t lose her identity or purpose as soon as she gets into a relationship with you.
In fact, she will not always agree with you, she’ll make you win her over a little, but will be ready to equally invest back.
Wife material means she has self-respect and standards so courting her will require you to put in some effort. But anything that comes too easy usually goes away too quickly. Having standards doesn’t mean that she is a high maintenance woman, it means she knows her worth, what she wants, and isn’t ready to settle for an average love life.
2: She will call you on your crap
OK fellas you have to admit, it’s kind of sexy when a woman gets fired up and puts you in your place when you have stepped over the line!
I had one client who worked with me and told me that the reason he knew that he had chosen the right one , was because she kept him accountable to the crap he used to do.
Well that’s what you should be looking for, a woman who isn’t afraid of you or to communicate her feelings and standards.
We need someone to keep us accountable because it’s a huge part of growth and stepping into our full capacity and not allowing pride or hurt get in the way of our happiness.
3: She inspires you to be a better man
The right woman will give you extra energy, she won’t criticise, nag or drain you. She will encourage, uplift and support you and your dreams.
Now, I know you are thinking where does this magical unicorn exist, well truth is she can sometimes be right under your nose!
So, ask yourself is the girl your currently with make you feel like you want to be a better man even though she currently validates how great you already are?
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4: She balances you out
Believe it or not having what you want isn’t always what you need. Trying to find a carbon copy of who you are but only better isn’t always the best fit.
If you are a strong man, then chances are you will need a strong woman who can handle you BUT you will also need her to be soft and calming so that she can help you mellow out and be more flexible.
Whichever way you need to be balanced out, the right woman will be able to do this and you will know it’s her because you will simply have more peace and progress in your life than you’ve ever had before.
5: She is actually fun to be around
Here’s the thing, you don’t just want to love her, you actually want to like her as well. Relationships are serious, but should also be something full of joy and fun, otherwise what’s the point.
One of the reasons why some of the most successful relationships work, is because they know how to have a laugh and enjoy doing life together!
You shouldn’t feel like having a partner is a second full time job, she should be the favourite part of your day and life, if she isn’t then ask yourself why are you still with her?
6: She puts in equal effort and wants to grow with you
A huge indication that she is a wife for life, is she isn’t lazy or self-entitled in the relationship. This girl puts in that equal effort and wants to be the best version of herself for the relationship and for you.
She is someone who understand that change is inevitable and wants to work through change rather than blame, become a victim or live in denial. It’s like she is the ultimate business partner, only you get to be intimate and have fun along the way.
7: She’s whole, has her own purpose, and isn’t trying to be fixed or fix you.
Lastly guys, the right woman is a woman who isn’t trying to be rescued or run away from responsibility, nor is she trying to fix or change you. Whilst she isn’t perfect, she is someone who seems to have most of her crap sorted out and she is ready to bring value.
Let’s face it committing to someone whether that’s long term or through marriage is a big deal and we don’t want to do that with someone that either constantly feels she’s not enough or makes you feel like who you are isn’t enough!
Guys the truth is if you want to make it easier to know if she is the right woman, you have to first understand who you are as a man and what it is that you need and want.

And that’s why our coaching programs and training are awesome for this because we help build a conviction of confidence in these areas.
If you want to know more about them, simply click HERE!
And of course, don’t forget to get our confidence cheat sheet, subscribe and give us a big thumbs up! Remember that marriage to the right woman is worth it and it’s actually statistically proven married men live longer!
Until next time, happy dating bye for now!