Is porn bad for you?
This is a hot topic right now, and that’s why we decided to do our research on the matter. Here’s what you need to know.
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Is Porn Bad For You?
Look, here’s the deal: Porn isn’t anything remotely new to our society.
Porn had existed way before movies and photos were a thing. Just look at past paintings, statues, and sculptures across different countries, can you count how many of those were naked and provocative?

Yes, our great ancestors had their version of porn, too. Cave paintings were discovered that depict sexual intercourse in various forms.
Let’s just say one thing led to another – and as technology improved so did man’s way of producing porn. From photos to films, live shows and paid theaters featuring scantily clad to naked women. And, statistically, the most significant spike in porn viewing was when the internet was born.
Porn has been a part of our society for centuries, so now let’s dive into the effects of it.
Should I love it or should I loathe it?
Porn can both be productive and counterproductive. Porn per se may be viewed as neutral (That is assuming it’s the legal stuff, because mind you illegal is illegal. So count out child-porn and that other crazy stuff) but when you overindulge, that’s when the positive and negative effects grow. When asking “Is porn bad?” you should really be asking “To what extent is porn bad?” Or “Is porn bad for all of us?“
This segment will cover our advantages and disadvantages of watching porn.

Pornography’s POSITIVE effects for Men:
Is porn bad all the time? We men tend to have sexual urges that we just have to let out. That’s normal.
1. It releases pent-up sexual tensions
(The human body was designed to procreate, that’s why we love sex so much! It’s INSTINCT!)
Watching pornography is almost always accompanied by masturbation and ejaculation. The body then resets the urge when “the deed is done” and in fact relieves that urge to have sex. Here’s how this can help.
Married/Taken men: Now, what if your girl/wife is out of the country for a couple of months and you’re the kind of guy who wants to keep loyal? Porn is mostly the release men use to help them take away their sexual urges to keep them from the temptation of going out there and banging another woman while your partner is out hard at work.
Single men: As we said before, porn can help release sexual tension and can be a less risky alternative to hookers
2. Aids in masturbation, which is good for physical health
Psychologically and physically, ejaculation is something the body needs. The phrase “you don’t use it, you lose it” coined by doctors was not invented just to sound fancy, it’s actually true.
Majority of men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer or other related problems were discovered to have an inactive sex life or have not ejaculated frequently enough. There’s an up to 33% decrease in the likelihood of developing such problems for men who have ejaculated at least 21 times in a month, as studies have shown.
Of course, “ejaculation” meaning those from both sex and masturbation.

3. Helps discover preferences
We all have our own preferences, right?
Porn actually helps men discover their natural sexual fantasies by providing them with a selection to know whether or not a woman’s trait turns them on. Is it Blondes, redheads or brunettes? Like tall or short? Will it be skinny, curvy, or robust? And of course, are you a “tits” or an “ass” kind of guy? Porn will help you discover what type of girl turns you on so you’ll know your preference, so you can find a real-life girlfriend that will be a perfect match for your urges!
Pornography’s NEGATIVE effects for Men:

Is porn bad all the time? After all the positive effects we’ve mentioned, the negative effects stem from one thing:
Terry Crews, one of the Manliest Men I know, (Yes, THE buff Terry Crews who’s just oozing with confidence and machismo) actually suffered from this kind of addiction once.
1. Porn Can Destroy Relationships
Addiction to pornography can cause serious damage to you and the people in your life.
Pornography can cause serious psychological instability as you use porn to get off and satisfy yourself without even thinking about your partner’s needs. Most porn addicts view women as objects and can be selfish through relationship quarrels and obligations.
Porn addiction often leads him to neglect his duties as a Man in exchange for satisfaction with watching porn. A man’s children are often neglected in this situation.
2. It Changes Your Perception
We often forget that many female porn stars are faking orgasms and pleasure. They over exaggerate the scene to stimulate you as much as possible.
Porn usually deals with actors and actresses, they ACT.
You’ll be surprised as to how many men have complained that their first time having sex was not as they expected.
Porn has wrecked their perception of what sex is. And worst of all, most of them view women as OBJECTS, which both decreases their chances of getting turned on, and offends the women at the same time.
3. It Creates An Unhealthy Obsession
That’s is the scary part. When porn becomes an addiction, just like drugs and alcohol, you’ll never be satisfied with the same dosage over and over. And you’ll be looking for more.
You’ll escalate. And this is harmful.
The same quality of porn will not give you the same pleasure as before – you’ll need to escalate to longer periods, and even more aggressive versions to feel the same way.
It first starts with vanilla porn, then incest, then cheating, then gangbangs, then rape-porn, then masochism, then child-porn, then bestiality. (Perish the thought)
Not getting satisfied and looking for more intense versions is the worst that can happen and can thoroughly damage the psyche – this is deadly both for you and the people around you.
Did you know almost all rapists were porn addicts, too? (Why am I not surprised?)
What I Recommend:
Okay look, overall some porn “here and there” is not bad for you. However, the biggest issue I see with clients is that too much porn and masturbation will diminish your motivation to go out and meet women.
Therefore, I suggest that you don’t watch porn. Limit your self-masturbation to once per week and think of a girl that you know personally in real life. This will keep you motivated to go out and meet women and also keep your perceptions in check.
If you’re unsure if porn is a problem for you, take this test here.
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I’m out! Cheers!