Asking yourself How to touch a woman nowadays? There are TONS of ways to touch her. But do you know how to touch a woman the RIGHT WAY?
Guys are oftentimes scared s^&*less when it comes to touching women. One small mistake and BOOM – no more attraction or worse..A slap to the face.
That is why the team, especially Matt, is dedicating our next few videos to help teach guys how to touch a girl. We’ll cover the proper ways of touching a woman. How to touch her to turn her on, how to touch her without getting creepy, how to touch her like a MAN..
The answers to your “how do I touch her?” are found here – Matt explains the different ways to touch a girl, and the different kinds of touch during the interaction:
Like and Subscribe! Weekly stuff coming out and we’ve got more on how to touch a girl, how to turn her on, how to approach women the right way!

Get the Confidence Booster Cheat Sheet NOW! It has all you need to boost your confidence. Its complete with Challenges and Videos that crush that anxiety, exponentially increase your self esteem, and overall make you a better MAN and a better person – one made to accomplish a lot more in life than just lie in bed and watch videos every day!
10 Ways to Touch a Woman without Creeping Her Out
Here are 10 ways to touch a girl starting from the more casual platonic touching and moving up to more intimate forms of touch because just like any form of escalation, you need to start small and increase the escalation over time as she feels more and more comfortable with you:
Handshake – FIRM, STRONG. Not too much, remember to be dominant without being domineering. You want her to feel safe and secure, not like someone who can hurt her. (Don’t crush her hand)
Kiss on the cheek – Depending on the culture, a kiss on the cheek is quite a common greeting. To other countries, its already an intimate gesture. Most of the time when I say goodbye I give a nice kiss on the cheek (that’s if we weren’t smooching already if the date went well)
Hug – When you meet her for a date always hug even if you met online. No hovering hand, okay? A nice bear hug, or if that’s too much, even a side hug works great.
Using your hands as you talk and touching her arm, shoulder or hand to emphasize a point. Example: “And you won’t believe what happened next” as you touch her arm for emphasis. Touch her waist or lower back at a loud club, which is a very sensual spot of her body, as you lean in to tell her something.
Examples of situations where Unintentional Touch can happen are:
Standing near each other and your arms are touching
Sitting and your legs are touching
Being close to each other
Can happen while walking
So if you are looking for a dating location, like a dinner or lunch date – Pick a venue with couches where your legs can touch
Touch her hair, nails, or something she’s wearing and make a comment about it. Example: “Wow those are some interesting nails” as you hold her hands and examine them. Complementing her figure works as well, just like how women use “have you been working out?” as an excuse to touch your biceps. You can say the same line as you touch her abs. “Wow, you are so fit” “Flex your arm” Make sure she has a flat stomach before you do this. Pinching her belly flab won’t be such a turn on.
Fix something about her like her clothing, hair or posture. Example: “Hold on let me fix your shirt. Okay there, much better.”
If you are at a bar or on a date you can play a Fun game-like thumb wrestling or slap hands. At bars it’s all about being playful.
When she does or says something you like, simply reward her with a hug, high-five or kiss. Example: “Nice, high-five!” I know it seems childish but that’s the point. Who doesn’t want to be a little childish every now and then?
While leading her from one place to the next you can hold her hand, go arm-in-arm or place your hand on her lower back.
Hand massage
Full massage (learn some techniques; take a class)
Where she just knows that you are really attracted to her so you make your move. You typically need a higher level of attraction and compliance for this to work.

Don’t forget the Confidence Booster Cheat Sheet! It has all you need to boost your confidence. Its complete with Challenges and Videos that crush that anxiety, exponentially increase your self esteem. It will overall make you a better MAN and a better person. The one made to accomplish a lot more in life than just lie in bed and watch videos every day!
Cheers for now! If you want US to personally train you, hop on a call with us. APPLY HERE for our MENTORSHIP PROGRAM.
Also, I would like to thank Life Coach Path for the great work they did organizing my recent interview for the National Coaching academy. Keep up the great work guys!