Have you ever wondered:
- “Does she like me?”
- “Should I ask her out?”
- “Should I approach her?”
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a girl likes you or not. The problem is that women communicate “covertly.” Women usually don’t explicitly say, “I like you,” but communicate that through other means.
It’s important for you to know how to read her signs so you don’t miss an opportunity. So check out this video where I cover this in detail. After that, you’ll be ready to approach a girl without fear.
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How To Tell If A Girl Likes You
Yo! Alright, look… Women can be hard to read sometimes… They don’t always give guys clear signals.
It’s not in their nature to tell a guy when to make the move.
She’s not going to tell you “Okay I want you to kiss me now!” or “Yes you can take me back to your place now!”
Women don’t usually do that, they just expect the guy to know when to make a move. And it’s all about reading her sub communication. There are certain things women do that tell a guy she’s interested. So let’s break this down.
But before we begin I need to make a disclaimer…
Because I see a lot of new students fall into a deadly trap when it comes to this.
A lot of guys when they are talking to a girl will constantly look for signals to see if she is interested in them. They’re trying to look for any clue that she likes them. Some guys don’t even want to approach a girl until he knows she likes him. It’s because they don’t want to get rejected, and I get it, rejection sucks…
But here’s the deal. If you’re with a girl, and you keep thinking:
Does she like me? oh, she flicked her hair… does that mean she likes me, or she just stepped back, does that mean she doesn’t like me, she touched my arm, I think she likes me… Oh she’s going back to her friends… maybe she’s not interested…???
What you’re doing here is putting her on a pedestal and making her the prize. When you do this, unconsciously you’re trying to prove yourself to her and win her over. And I can tell you right now, that if you do that, you’re not going to get the girl.
So when you see a girl you want to talk to, don’t worry about signs of interest. Instead, You have to go into the situation not wondering does she like me… but why should I like her? I wonder what makes this girl special. Let’s find out.
You have to assume she wants you man, and that she needs to prove herself to you.
You want her to react to YOU. You need to have it embedded in your mind that you are the prize and she would love to be with you… she just doesn’t know it yet. That’s the mindset of a guy that actually gets girls.
So! now that I’ve given you a disclaimer, let’s break down the signs a girl gives you when she’s interested.

Body Language Cues
According to anthropologist Helen Fisher, the human body decides if they find someone attractive within one second of looking at them.
Literally the instant she sees you, she already knows if she sees you as a potential lover or not. Again, women don’t tell you straight up if they’re into you… you just have to look at her body language.
When human beings are attracted to someone, blood flows to their cheeks and they can’t help but blush. If her cheeks are red and she’s blushing, there’s a good chance she’s into you. Or she just put on a ton of blush.
Eye Contact
Prolonged eye contact is another huge indicator of attraction. But don’t think that just because a girl looks away, it means she’s not interested. Often, women look away because they’re nervous – or they don’t want to seem too weird or creepy.
And if a girl doesn’t look away at all, and keeps staring at you, then run! She’s probably crazy and is going to be waiting for you in the bushes when you go home.
If you see some of these signs but you’re still not sure whether she’s trying to get you to go talk to her, don’t worry. According to research, the majority of men don’t pick up on a woman’s flirtatious body language right away.
Physiological Cues
Let’s face it, us guys are just not all that perceptive. But if you wait around trying to make sure you see all the right signs, you’re going to lose many opportunities or work yourself into a frenzy from all the waiting around and probably chicken out. So just take charge and approach. You have nothing to lose. Assume she wants you.
Once you make your approach and start talking to a woman, there are some more signs you can look for to tell if she likes you.
Increased Heart Rate
When you’re attracted to someone, your heart starts pumping faster. So either break out your stethoscope or just listen to hear if she’s breathing heavy.
Dilated Pupils
Our pupils tend to dilate when we’re attracted to someone.
Instinctive Behavioral Cues
Feet And Arms
Look down at her feet. If they’re pointed in your direction, she’s subconsciously trying to line herself up with you. If her feet are pointed away that may mean she wants to leave.
Check out her arms, specifically her sleeves. Women tend to pull up their sleeves if they’re attracted to someone, as a subconscious way of showing off their skin.
Moving Closer To You
Another thing women do when they’re attracted to someone is trying to close the distance between themselves and the guy. But this goes beyond just moving closer to you. If she slides a glass or a menu toward you, it may be a sign she’s trying to get closer to you. Or she just wants you to buy her something off the menu.
Touching Her Hair And Neck
If a girl is into you, she’ll likely touch her hair and neck when talking to you. This isn’t a conscious decision, but rather a primal instinct to help expose her armpits, which release sex hormones designed to turn you on. That’s right, it’s not BO – it’s sex hormones….. Sensual attraction is gross.
Final Thoughts
But all that being said, I can’t stress it enough that you really don’t need to worry about these signs. The problem is that most guys won’t make a move because they don’t notice the signs and then they actually lose the girl because the girl gets tired of waiting for him to man up.
So I say if you like the girl make your move. If she’s just not interested she’ll make it perfectly clear. The only sign you really need is whether she’s staying with you or not. If she’s not interested she will likely excuse herself.
If you want to know exactly what to say to turn her on – we created a Free Escalation Cheat Sheet that lists out some of our best ways to spark sensual tension, turn a girl on, and escalate the relationship to a more intimate level.
It’s filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic – friendly interaction, into a more sensual– “I want to rip your clothes off” vibe.
This is very useful when you’re talking to a girl but it’s going nowhere.
Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!

And if you want us to show you how to meet women personally, click here to check out the live Bootcamp Schedule.
I’m out! Cheers!