Did you google “How to know if a girl likes you?” If you did, then you’ve definitely come to the right place.
Ever get frustrated when making a move on a woman because you never know if it’s the right time or not? How much easier would it be to score endless dates with amazing girls if they outright TOLD us when they like us?
Truth is, women DO tell us… all the time… but sometimes the signs are so subtle we miss them!
In this video, I will tell you 7 subtle ways a woman shows she likes you – and why this is your window of opportunity to make your move!
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How To Know If A Girl Likes You
(7 Signs She Likes You)
7: She finds reasons to touch you or be close to you
When a girl likes you, she will try to be close to you, not on top of you, but just near. She will try to sit close enough so your legs touch or your arms brush each other’s and she will find a way to lightly touch you whilst being flirty and laughing.
She might adjust your collar or brush something off your shoulders or ruffle your hair. Her movements are super obvious as she’s probably a little nervous, but either way she will try to make contact with your body in some way.
6: She laughs a lot and smiles at you
A girl that laughs and smiles a lot in your company, is sending the signal that she feels safe and relaxed around you. It also shows that she is engaged in what you are saying and having a good time.
If she’s not into you, then she will smile with no teeth and no smiley eyes and will probably be fidgeting, looking around and not really finding anything you say funny (even if it is!)

5: She sends you flirty text messages
This is why texting is great, because it can be really playful and also reveal what it is she is thinking and feeling about you. If she uses a lot of emoji’s and cheeky phrases then this girl has you on her mind. These phrases might be something like “ I saw this and it made me think of you ;)* picture of a man in undies* … or “ maybe one day you might get to take me for a test spin as well ;)” or “ well you’ll just have to wait and see , all depends if you are a good boy ;)”
On the flip side if she takes ages to respond to you and her texts seem cold, short or just really kind of general then chances are you aren’t the guy for her.
A girl who is into you will also ask you questions in her texts, because she wants to keep the conversation going and she really enjoys talking to you!
4: She gets nervous when she’s with you
If she blushes, drops or knocks things over, rips her napkin to shreds or keeps fidgeting with her hair and clothes …then that’s because she is nervous around you , because she likes you a lot.
Another sign is if she speaks too fast or has sweaty palms when you hold her hands. This is the perfect opportunity to play the gentleman and put her mind at ease by trying to make her laugh and feel relaxed in your presence. Maybe even moving over closer to her or taking her hand to help calm her nerves. It shows you are in control, responsive and it’s pretty charming as well!
3: She introduces you to her friends
If she’s into you, she will want you to meet her friends, and when you do meet them, they will know exactly who you are! She will also be a little nervous and excited to show you off. Remember you want to leave a good impression on her friends as well, as they will be watching you and she will be asking them what they thought of you!
If you want to know how to win her friends over, all you need to do is be well mannered and indicate that you value everyone there. It doesn’t mean you have to like them, but by respecting her friends in front of her, everyone will be swooning! So start remembering their names , and if you have a bad memory like me then try to associate their name with a feature eg: Brittany with the blue scarf. You want to show that you care who she cares about , but that she is still your sole focus , so don’t flirt with her friends , but act like they are your mates as well.
2: She tries to impress you
This girl is also on a mission to win you over, so she will do things to try and impress you, whether it’s going the extra mile with her appearance, remembering what you say and then following it up or simply just trying to get along with your friends.
She wants to communicate that she is here to bring value and take a genuine interest in your life.
1: She initiates the kissing
A great way to tell if a girl really wants you is to flirt and tease her, but then let her initiate the first kiss! It’s the 90/ 10 rule …you go in 90% of the way and you let her put in the last 10% to seal the deal!
By simply locking eyes with her and leaning in but not touching her lips, you give her the opportunity to either continue the next step or to pull back! You want to get close enough to see her start to tilt her head back and close her eyes and feel her warm breathe…then you stop and allow her to go the rest of the way to kiss you!
I remember when my own fiancé took 2 weeks to kiss me, because he wanted to really court me and tease me a little. Well by the end of those two weeks I pretty much grabbed his face and planted one on him!
Taking control of the dates you have with a girl doesn’t always mean you have to be the first to do everything, and if you give her a chance to meet you halfway it will really help you get an idea if she is into you or playing you.
Now guys sometimes we all need a little help in moving things in the right direction, so if you haven’t downloaded our Escalation cheat sheet then do so right now.

Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!
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See you in the next post!