Hey guys! Not gifted in the looks department? Don’t worry. Here’s how to get girls if you’re Ugly..
The belief that men need good LOOKS to get girls is complete B.S.
The REALITY of it is, most girls don’t even put looks ON TOP of their criteria list.
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Have you ever wondered how much easier your life would be if you had that six pack? If you had a chiseled jawline or you could add a couple of inches to your height? Imagine all the chicks you could get with a physique like that… Now get rid of all those fantasies and read on to find out how an average guy like you can score the girl of your dreams without any of those things.
So, you didn’t win the genetic lottery. That’s okay. The reality of it is, the majority of girls don’t put “looks” at the top of their criteria list anyways. Someone can transform from just “OK looking” to “pretty cute” just based on their personality.
The main reason behind this is because evolutionarily speaking, women are attracted to particular characteristics, that will promote the development of healthy offspring. Having good looks is one way to advertise your good genes, but there are many others.
Now don’t get me wrong, looks matter, but it isn’t the most important trait when women search for a mate. Personality has a much higher effect on how women will perceive a man as opposed to how a man will understand women. In other words: women care less about looks than men do. That being said, the key here is accentuating the internal characteristics that you CAN change as opposed to just focusing on your unchangeable external characteristics.
So now you might be wondering: “Matt, what are the most important qualities that women seek out?”. Don’t worry; I’m going to countdown the top 5 qualities you need to master, to become irresistible, regardless of your looks.
Physical characteristics you can change
Starting with the basics, you guys need to look at the physical attributes that you actually can change. Things like facial structure, height, and body build are not things you can alter, but there are some easy fixes for some other physical characteristics.
If you have yellow teeth, get some whitening strips. Or if that’s too expensive, look up a concoction that will help whiten your teeth for cheap. If you have acne, buy an acne treatment or look into the cause of it to eliminate it. Make sure your hygiene is up to date, so you don’t smell like a trashcan. Lastly, look into your style. If you are still wearing the same clothes you graduated high school with, then good news; you’ve found the root of your dating problems. Look up some fashion bloggers or watch some fashion videos (we have some of this channel) that will help you look more mature and put together.
Develop a Deep Strong Voice
The next characteristic that you need to focus on is developing a deep, loud voice. This is one of the simplest things you can do to make you more desired by women.
It’s found that women prefer lower pitched voices whereas higher pitched voices are preferred for males. This has to do with the fact that a low voice is caused by higher levels of testosterone (male hormone) whereas a high sound is produced by higher levels of estrogen (female hormone). It is this masculine-feminine polarity that brings the two sides of the spectrum together. Therefore, if you fail to develop a strong, confident voice, it may subconsciously signal to her that you are weak, more feminine, and automatically turn her off.
Additionally, attaining deep, strong voice signals to others that you are more likable and competent. There was a study that took 125 participants and asked them to rate two versions of a voice and express their opinions on a variety of elements such as trustworthiness, intelligence, and dominance. It was found that the majority of the participants favored the deeper voices on all levels. This is why many politicians, news anchors, television hosts, and other television personnel speak in a lower register to be received well by an audience. You can use this information in your own dating life to appear more likable and competent to the girl you are trying to date.
Perform Altruistic Behaviors
The next characteristic trait that you must embody is the ability to perform altruistic behaviors. Altruistic behaviors are selfless acts or undertakings that put the welfare of others before one’s own. When I think about an altruistic behavior, my mind immediately goes to Jack from the TV show “This is Us” saving his family from a house fire, and then quickly going back in to save their beloved dog. Now, I’m not saying you guys have to risk your life like that because there are simple things you can do on a daily basis that make you appear more altruistic that are far less dangerous.
For example, opening doors for people, picking up the bill at dinner every once in a while, holding her hand, pulling out her chair, giving her a message… etc. These are things that ideally both parties should do for each other in a relationship; however, they are going to be valued more by a female because it gives the girl a sense of safety when she is with you.
Next, we’re going to talk about money. Yes, you are going to have some income, I mean who wants to date a guy who lives in his parent’s basement? But this is usually where guys get it wrong. You don’t have to be Daddy Warbucks or the next Bill Gates to score a high-quality girl. For some reason, guys think that having a plethora of money is going to solve all of their dating problems and that chicks will just flock to them, but the reality of it is, you can be the wealthiest man in the world but if you have a shitty personality, women are not going to date you.
The key here is having enough income so that you can provide for yourself, your girl, and possibly a potential family in the future. This is important because a girl wants to feel secure in a relationship. If you make some sustainable income, it gives the girl security in knowing that you can contribute to the economic prosperity of your relationship.
Work On Your Charisma
The last characteristic I’m going to talk about is charisma. This magic word is something that anyone needs to master to build relationships, but especially for you boys who are lacking in the looks department. Looks fade over time, but no one can deny how someone makes them feel. That being said, work on your social skills, so you get better at communicating with people and winning them over.
If you guys severely lack this category, go out and socialize more to get comfortable talking to people. Go out on the weekends, strike up conversations with strangers when you’re out running errands on the weekdays, or try to make that conversation last a little longer with your waiter or waitress. Nothing comes easily without a bit of practice.
Charisma doesn’t just rely on conversations though, your gestures and emotional expressiveness are essential too. A specific way you can do this is with postural expansiveness, which means expanding the body in a physical space. A researcher looked at people’s choices on online dating apps like Tinder and found that individuals were twice as likely to choose prospective dates whose pictures displayed this postural expansiveness due to the act that these positions communicate high status and rank. This body language technique is easy to master and immediately gives you a more charismatic aura.
Your approach is the beginning of initiating anything with a woman, hence why it can either seal your fate or open up limitless opportunities. Master the approach and give a great first impression, while minimizing rejection.
But of course you have to have a conversation with her, so if you haven’t already downloaded our free conversation cheat sheet then click on the image below, right now!

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- Our top conversation starters for any situation…
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