Do you know how to deal with Stress? Especially now? Maybe you’re sitting at home in isolation or on lockdown. You haven’t been out recently. You haven’t seen your friends or family.
Or maybe you even lost your job or business or investments.. Its very easy to get stressed especially with whats going on today. It seems like the whole world is focusing on fear. The future looks uncertain.
People are panicking. So how do you deal with stress at a time like this? I’ll show you how to deal with stress and other unwanted emotions. So you can feel calm, happy, and even confident despite whatever life will throw at you.
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Since the lockdown started, the company, The Attractive Man, has lost nearly ninety percent of all our savings and incomes. It was a hard time, and of course a very stressful event. Felt really down having to do cuts and put things on hold.
Imagine having to think of the worst case scenario of shutting down and letting go of the company. Our main thing was bootcamps and teaching guys in person, and because of what happened it was nearly impossible to keep it going.
But hey, I said to myself, why focus on the worst case scenario? Sure we can think of that – but why not use all my energy into something else? Why not think of new, amazing things we can do and all the new opportunities that opened for us to still help all the guys out there? How can we serve people while they are stuck at home?
That’s exactly what we did. We focused on NEW programs. Which you can see in our website and where we also feature on our YouTube videos and Social media.
But enough about that.. I made this video so I can show you how to make the best out of a stressful situation. There are steps you can do to deal with stress. I highly recommend everyone to understand and create action steps to handle stressful situations especially during this pandemic.
It was alarming to find out that reports of people getting stressed and violent at home were increasing. Who could blame them – it truly is a stressful time and people will get stressed out because of the virus.
There are tons of harmful effects of stress. To name a few:
– Being stressed can make you more forgetful
– Stress can be harmful mentally and physically
– Being stressed depletes confidence and motivation
– Stress can make you more susceptible to addictive and harmful behavior
– Stress makes you more fearful and anxious over time
It affects not just you, but everyone around you, man. So make sure you watch this video all about stress busting, man. I’m sure it will definitely help you even a little in dealing with stress and surviving this stressful situation we’re all in.
Remember, its all about stepping up and making the most out of a stressful situation.