Has a woman ever rejected, ghosted you, stopped responding to you? If you don’t know how to attract women without being creepy, then you probably need to see this – 90% of men are actually guilty (but understandably unaware) of doing at least ONE of these 5 Creepy things:
How to Attract Women without Being Creepy
5 Creepy Things to Avoid & 3 Ways to Fix the Awkwardness
CREEPY THING # 5: Trying too hard to impress her
So many men think that they have to impress her on the first approach. They end up being at least one of these three things:
1.) Being too agreeable – Whatever her opinion or what her likes are, she’s right. Agreeing to everything she says even when its in conflict of your own likes and principles.
2.) Everything she says is the “Holy Grail” – Overly impressed and excited to hear what she’s saying…even if its absolutely boring or wrong.
3.) Overusing filler words – Words like “Wow! That’s amazing.” “That’s incredible” “I had no idea” “You don’t say? Wow” “Thats great!”
Essentially what happens is you’re putting her on a pedestal and overemphasizing what you’re saying or how you’re reacting to what she’s saying or what she’s doing. That’s no way to act in front of a woman, and when you’re doing that – they will know. They will know its not genuine, they will know you’re trying too hard, and they will know you have another motive.
That’s what makes it so creepy. Thats not how to attract women without being creepy – so make sure to avoid these three things all coming from a place of trying too hard to impress her.
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CREEPY THING # 4: Forced laugh/smile
When most men are trying so hard to create a pleasant conversation, all of a sudden that disingenuous smile comes up and it just doesn’t look real. It looks like you’re uncomfortable in your own skin, and it comes across as you (again) being too agreeable and putting her on a pedestal again.
It feels like looking at another person in a mask. You can’t trust a person wearing a mask – and you definitely won’t be attracted to a person you can’t trust.
Why does this happen as a default to most men? Its because they are uncomfortable with tension. A forced laugh or smile breaks the tension that is created, and when you aren’t comfortable and owning the tension, then you’d want to break it as fast as you can using a fake smile.
But tension is what we need. Tension is attraction. So don’t break that. Make sure that you train your mind and your body to feel and own that tension, so that you won’t release anything fake out of you to prematurely break the potential attractive tension you create.
CREEPY THING # 3: Standing too close
To be clear, I don’t you guys to be standing hundreds of feet away from the woman you’re talking too. What I mean by standing too close is that neediness that shows when you are energetically standing too close.
Its the sometimes-jittery overeagerness that comes off as so needy when you look at a guy standing too close. The body language just isn’t there – it feels jumpy, too forward, and forced, and overbearing. Hence, its creepy and exactly one of the things you have to avoid if you want to practice how to attract women without being creepy.
Remove that needy, wanting, grabbing energy that screams “I want to go here and we gotta make this work and finish this and show you all this”. Instead, lay back, be calm, focused, grounded, and go at it with the mentality of “I’m checking out what’s going on here and see if it fits.”
Take a step back, breathe, and enjoy the moment.
CREEPY THING # 2: Super Intense and overly serious
Dates should be fun.
I repeat – dates should be fun. One of the worst (and most creepy) things men do during the approach and on a date is when they are being overly serious and too intense.
I get that you’re both trying to know each other more – but this isn’t some kind of job interview. Some even make it feel like a police interrogation. Talking to women should be an enjoyable and pleasant experience.
You’re creating a connection, exploring if there’s chemistry. So don’t focus on some kind of list of questions that absolutely need to be answered. Don’t create a situation in your mind where after one question gets answered, you need another question to come out.
What this does is you’re actually giving off the vibe that you’re not giving enough time to truly listen to what she has to say. You need the conversation to breathe and flow. If you go question after question after question, its like you controlling the conversation and wanting the conversation to where you want it to. That controlling, intense, serious demeanor will creep her out.
Its definitely something you’d want to avoid, especially when you’re trying to learn and apply how to attract women without being creepy.
CREEPY THING # 1: Lingering
What I mean by “lingering” is doing it on all types of interactions, some few examples are:
– Eye contact/gaze
– Waiting for her to finish something before you approach
– Looking at her at distance for too long before you decide to talk to her
– Touching her..in her shoulder…resting there for too long. (Ugh that’s awkward)
Lingering is awkward, and creepy. You’d look and feel like an absolute creep and it will show – because you’re taking too long to decide on something, and it seems like you’re plotting some nefarious scheme in your head instead of just genuinely going for what you want and doing what you should be doing.
Why does lingering happen? Its because you’re spending too much time and effort in your head.
Waiting for a perfect moment, trying to figure it out… it comes across as inauthentic. It isn’t real, or natural. Its uncomfortable, awkward, and incredibly creepy.
Women can tell that you’re looking at them, thinking and debating about approaching them, overthinking. Take too long doing that, well, you know what happens. You get too into your head, and when you do approach its too late – you’re already the creep that has been staring at her for too long.
EASY FIX # 1: Stop making it about her looks
So how do you dissolve the creepiness and awkwardness? Stop making it all about her looks. Do not get overwhelmed or intimidated by her looks.
Yes, looks are what first got you attracted, but its deeper than that. Be genuinely interested in getting to know her and you’ll naturally be able to hold the conversation while simultaneously keeping to your honest and true self. They will feel more respected and treated as real people rather than just a piece of meat.
Start getting curious, (but don’t keep on asking questions – remember that) start being really present with her and listen. She may be hot and amazing and gorgeous, but there’s more to her than that.

EASY FIX # 2: Stop micro-managing yourself
You need to stop the overthinking and over-planning. Stop being in your head to much, because being over-calculated, waiting for a perfect moment, thinking what memorized line to use next – its going to come off as creepy.
Keeping too much in your head means less time being present and natural in your body. You’re not being grounded. And that’s what creepy is. To master how to attract women without being creepy – you have to quit it with the micromanaging and you have to learn how to tap into that natural you. The one who’s not memorizing fake lines or routines just to impress women.
If you’re worried about coming off as creepy, you’re going to be creepy. Work to show and do what comes natural to you in the moment.
EASY FIX # 3: Take action (3 Second Rule)
Self explanatory, right? Take. Action.
So the 3 Second Rule is: When you have a thought you have three seconds to go and act.
So you see a girl that you like or you see a woman that you’re attracted to. One.. two.. three.. go! Do it. Even if you have nothing to say I’d rather you go up to her and say “Wow you are absolutely stunning i just wanted to come up and say hello to you but i am incredibly nervous.”
That is way better and exponentially more effective than waiting too long in your head thinking of what to say or do to impress her.
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