Most men don’t know how to approach a girl correctly. The fact is that most guys get nervous at the thought of approaching a girl. Whether it’s to get her number, to pick her up, or even just to get to know her – Most men find it difficult to overcome this essential first step.
Whether you’re young or old, our guidelines will help you approach women effortlessly and successfully!
We are the go-to experts when it comes to approaching women. We’ve conducted boot camps in 40 countries, showing men the art of approaching and meeting beautiful women. What we teach is a simple step-by-step system for how to approach women.
So take out your pens and papers because you’re going to want to jot down everything here – have these points handy and go out and meet some ladies.
Now, before we get there, let’s lay down what you need to learn if you want to get the girl.
- Inner Game – Having the confidence to approach, and feel comfortable while doing it.
- The Approach – Meeting her and getting her attracted.
- The Close – Following up later, or taking her home.
If you can wrap your head around these simple steps on how to approach a girl for the first time, you’ll be guaranteed results.
Let’s get started on some concepts that prepare us for our first approach.

What You Need To Know Before You Approach Her
What Is She Looking For When You Approach Her?

Hey, what if we told you that you could spark instant attraction within a few moments of approaching her? All you have to know is what her instincts want in a man.
Instinct drives men and women unconsciously. She will know right away after you approach her, if she is attracted to you or not based on her instincts. When you strip everything down to the core, it’s actually instinct that drives our actions, reactions, and feelings towards what’s happening around us.
Back in the cavemen era, women were looking for men that could provide and protect. She needed a man with confidence, strength, and resources to provide and protect her and her offspring.
Men, on the other hand, instinctively preferred women who were ideal for childbearing and were nurturing for their young. (Which explains why we find women with larger breasts or wide hips more attractive even today.)
So we know that women want a man that can provide and protect her, but how does she know that you can?
Here’s what she is looking for:
How Calm You Are: The most significant thing she will look for is how relaxed you are in her presence. If you are fidgeting or stumbling over your words, she’ll know you’re not the guy for her.
Eye Contact That Shows Desire: Women can tell a lot about you from your eyes. She can see if you’re grounded, or if you’re scared. Also, she can tell if you’re low status or high status. She can also tell if you feel desire towards her. You should look at her like she wishes you were being intimate with her. Make sure to keep your eye contact steady. To help, stay focused on her left eye.
Approaching Without Hesitation: Most guys will have to build up the courage to approach her… and she’ll notice. If you hesitate, you’re toast from the beginning.
High-Status Body Language: She instinctively will read your body language and see if you’re an ideal suitor. The main thing you should know is to move slowly and with purpose. High-status guys don’t fidget and do things sporadically. They move with intention. This slow movement creates tension. And of course, stand tall with good masculine posture.
Proud Facial Expression: Have a proud facial expression because it is proven to be most attractive to women. There should be a slight smile accompanied by it.
High-Status Attire: What you wear says a lot about you, such as whether or not you have access to resources. Present yourself well. However, this doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit everywhere. You can portray high status with a t-shirt and jeans if you pair it with a prestigious watch and shoes.
Loud & Powerful Voice: Project your voice so that you sound sure of yourself. If you are nervous inside, this will usually reveal itself through your voice. So proactively, make it low and strong. (Women are attracted to men with lower voices)
The Correct Mindset When Approaching Women
When you first approach a girl, having the wrong mindset will throw you off entirely. You may have all the qualities and the potential to bring them out, but when your mind isn’t in the right place, your chances of getting the girl to want you are significantly lower.
If you want to know how to approach a girl with success, here’s the mindset you need to have: “Let’s see if this girl is good enough to be with me.”
Most guys go up to her thinking, “I hope she likes me.” They are primarily trying to impress her or win her over. Here’s the deal… you don’t know anything about her yet, so don’t fall in love with her right away.
If there’s one thing you learn from this post, make it this. Have the mindset that she has to prove herself to you. We’ll talk more about this later.
How To Eliminate Nerves When Approaching A Girl
You already know that women like a grounded, secure man… so make sure you approach her in a grounded state.
When we’re talking to women, our most significant difficulty is going to be staying in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in different thoughts like, “What do I say?” or “What if she has a boyfriend?”
It’s a high-pressure situation, especially when you’re first starting out. You need a method for controlling negative ideas that will creep up during the interaction. Without a way to deal with it, it will be much harder to build attraction.
Feeling centered can be described fundamentally as being in your body, and out of your head. You’re not concerned about her feelings towards you, as you’re so focused on having a good time and learning about her.
Now, we have a great course that is all about exploding confidence and crushing approach anxiety, which you can find here… But here is one quick tip you can use today.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, take some grounding breaths.
The key to eliminating nerves is to focus on a very long exhale. Take a deep breath in… and then release it with a slow, 10-second exhale.
Try it now and see how you feel. Do several.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but this will instantly calm your nerves and let you focus on her once again. Before you approach her, do at least one grounding breath.

How To Approach A Girl During The Day

Let’s dive into approaching women during the daytime… our specialty. Primarily you’ll use this if you see a girl walking down the street, at a grocery store, at a coffee shop, bank, school, or anywhere. It just may take a slight modification depending on the situation.
Here’s our simple framework for the best way to approach a girl and get her number when you approach her during the day.
1. Acknowledge the Reality
Start with giving context to the situation. Giving context helps her understand what you are doing.
For example: “Hi, this is completely random, and I know you’re eating lunch with your friend…”
2. Compliment Her
This may sound contrary to what you’ve heard, but it works really well. She knows why you are approaching her so just say it. She’ll appreciate your directness.
Girls respond to honesty more than anything. Make it your goal to say something sincere, something that you actually feel. You don’t need a reason to talk to her, but you need a way to show your intentions.
You’re looking for something direct, but atypical. Don’t use the words ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ when you’re opening.
Try something like “Hey, this is really random, and I know you are shopping, but I think you’re adorable.”
The most important is to be genuine when you say it. This will be your go-to when opening in almost any situation. When in doubt, remember this.
We’ll go over some situational openers in later sections, but the idea remains the same.
3. Qualify Her
Remember earlier when I mentioned, that you need to see if she meets YOUR standards? This section is part of that. After you meet her, you want to qualify her and see what type of girl she is.
Guys that have options with girls, naturally do this because they can choose which one they want. So by doing this regularly, it shows that you do not just settle for any girl.
Here are some examples: ” I don’t know anything about you… what’s one cool thing about you because I’m very picky about who I hang out with.”
This question is deceptively complex. We’re essentially saying:
- I find you attractive.
- I’m not trying to please you; I’m trying to get to know you.
- I am used to being around girls that are as attractive as you.
- I’m not sure if you’re right for me, tell me why you are.
“Tell me something about you… like what are you passionate about?”
This one is simple and opens her up to talk about her passions. Talking about passions are great because it gives you a chance to connect with what is meaningful to her.
Now, a big part of qualifying her is how you say it… You have to have a neutral or high-status tone. You don’t want to sound like any answer she gives will suffice.
If she says something you don’t like, tell her that you don’t like it. Express yourself even if that means you disagree with her. Women love a man that can tell them “No.”
4. Close
You’ve made it to the best part. You’ve worked hard to get to this point, and you’d like to see the reward. There might have been some hiccups during the interaction, but you’ve realized that you want to see her again. So, What are our options?
Instadate – An instant-date is when you take a girl on a date the same day that you met her. This gives you time to talk and get to know her, without having to deal with the logistics of meeting up later.
Be forward when you ask her – Remember, you have a lot of options. Ask her to come for a coffee, tea, lunch or a drink. It’s that simple. Once you’ve built some connection, suggest it to her in a direct way. “Hey, let’s go get some coffee, I know this place across the street.”
Always make sure of these two things:
- Be decisive. Pick a place and go for it. As long as it’s not awful, it should be fine.
- Don’t ask her to come, say “Let’s go” or “We should.” Lead the way.
Get her number – Avoid asking questions like these directly, ex: “Can I have your number?” She’s been asked these hundreds of times. It also shows a lack of confidence because you are communicating to her that you are not sure if she will give you her number.
Instead, try something along the lines of, “Do you text?” as it’s atypical and pretty direct. Then say, let’s exchange numbers. You will find there are times when women will not want to give out their number.
- If they get hit on frequently, they may be more inclined to give out a fake number. Just imagine how many texts these girls deal with daily.
- They consider their number very intimate and don’t want to come off as sleazy.
- Social Media is just more convenient.
Social Media Close –I’m a millennial, so social media is my go-to when it comes to closing, I’ll go over a few of these quickly.
- Facebook – Try to avoid if possible, unless your profile is pretty active with a lot of presence. You do not want your profile to say “I have no social life.”
- Instagram – Similar to Facebook, but it’s much easier to create a significant presence here. Avoid if you’re not very active.
- Snapchat – My personal favorite. The rate of response is extremely high; you can see which girls are watching your story, etc. Do not send unwarranted nudes. There’s no quicker way to kill attraction.
Your/her Place – The best way to get her back to your place is to give her a reason.
If she thinks that you’re only bringing her home only for sex, most of the time it will not go well. So do not singularly ask “Hey want to come home with me?” because this forces her to make the decision about sleeping with you right there on the spot. There is any number of ways to have her come back to your place, and my favorites are:
- Do you want to watch a movie/listen to music/look at my art?
- Do you want to meet my pet?
- Would you like to play video games/pool/other entertainment?
If things have been highly sexual up to this point, keep them that way. Make sure to demonstrate that you’re not boring and that she’ll have fun if she comes with you.
How To Approach Women In Different Daytime Situations
1. Groups of Girls
You may be scared when you are learning how to approach women, especially groups.
But you shouldn’t be.
When you walk up, hold eye contact with the girl that you like. This is important in all approaches but especially here, as it shows that you’re not just trying to attract whoever wants you the most. That’s needy, anyway.
The most important thing that you have to keep in mind when you’re approaching them is that everyone should be involved, even in the open.
“Hey, I just wanted to tell your friend that she is adorable in every way.”
The best way to continue this is to ask her friend questions about the girl you like.
“What is something interesting about Jessica that she’s passionate about and tries to hide?”
2. Mixed Group – Guy and Girl
One of the most intimidating things for newbies is approaching girls that are with guys. You may fear that the guy is a boyfriend, but believe me, this is less often the case. Most of the time it’s going to be:
- A friend of hers
- A family member
- A stranger who just happens to be hovering around her
We’re going to change things up in a pretty interesting way: We’re going to compliment the guy.
Now, I’m not talking about walking up and complimenting his hipster beard. More specifically, you’re going to notice that he has a beautiful girlfriend and compliment him on that. When you open, say to him directly,
“I don’t mean any disrespect, but I just had to stop for a second to say that your girlfriend is really adorable.”
Now, when you say this, make sure that you’re looking at him when you start but look her in the eyes the moment you deliver the compliment.
This frequently leads to him saying, ”She is not my girlfriend.” From which you can start talking to the girl as we described above, however, don’t ignore him completely.
3. How To Approach A Girl That’s Walking

First, I’m going to start with what not to do, then follow up with what to open. When you approach a girl that is walking:
If you are behind her then get at least 6 feet in front of her, then turn around and open to her, with something like: “Hey real quick…”
If she is walking towards you, then first let her pass, try to make eye contact, then repeat the previous steps. It looks needy if you approach her right away before you can even see who she is. The best way to approach a girl here should be something like: “Hey this is totally random, but I just thought you looked absolutely… adorable.”
If she’s in a hurry, talk about it. “Hey I can tell you’re in a hurry, but I just had to meet you.”
Pretty simple.
4. How To Approach A Girl On Her Phone
You know, I’m not going to complain about people being on their phones too often. It’s honestly overdone.
Approaching while she’s busy can be advantageous simply because it’s high risk. Women love men who are bold and go for exactly what they want.
She’ll appreciate that. One thing that you always want to do is address the fact that what you’re doing is out of the social norm.
We’ll say something like this: “Hey, I know you’re on the phone, and it’s so rude to interrupt, but I had to risk it and tell you that you are absolutely beautiful.”
Don’t be worried if she ends up staying on the call and not pursuing you. She may be on an important call, so don’t overthink into it.
5. How To Approach A Girl At A Coffee Shop
Coffee shops are great places to approach women. You’ll find a lot of business-oriented chicks and hipsters, which makes this place amazing in my book.
We’ll open with something situational like this: “Hey, I can see that you’re studying/reading/working, but I just had to come over and say hi.”
Whatever she is doing, don’t be afraid to talk about it when you open. It’s just fluff, but it shows you’re interested in more than just her looks.
Girls are most likely seated here. Don’t just jump into a seat before you open. After you’ve talked to her for a moment, grab a seat while talking, but first give a time constraint. As you sit, say “I’ll sit down for a minute before I have to get back…”
Don’t force it. It should feel natural.
6. How To Approach A Girl At The Gym
I recommend that you open with something like “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met yet. My name is ____.“
This opener implies that you are social and know people there. From there, just do the standard daytime approach we discussed earlier.
I shouldn’t have to say this, but do not stop her while she’s busy doing cardio or if she’s mid-rep. Wait until she is resting.
Night Game – How To Approach a Girl at Bars & Clubs
Women get hit on at bars/clubs all the time. Distinguishing yourself here is the absolute key to success.
To stand out, demonstrate:
- That you’re a high-status man,
- You’re confident at socializing, and
- You are a ton of fun to be with
I cannot emphasize enough how important being ‘fun’ is. People go out on weekends to let off steam and to let loose after a hard week. The attention spans are short, and the sex-drives are high. Opening in a fun and high energy state usually works well.
How To Approach A Girl In A Bar
If there’s only one thing I could say about bars, I would say: You need to be social from the moment you enter. Even socialize beforehand if possible. This builds momentum and puts you into a social state.
Right when you walk into the bar, start talking. When you order a drink, banter with the bartender. The first girl you see, approach. A good opener in the bar is “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met yet. My name is ____.”
It’s simple and direct. From there you’ll want to banter and escalate.
For more bar openers, download The Conversation Cheat Sheet here.
You’ll be able to socialize all over the place in a bar, so don’t stick to the actual bar too much. There should be a lot of places to open new girls.
Try not to wander around too much. This is what the average guy does, and it makes you seem lost.
Sidenote: Do not offer drinks when you first meet a girl. It’s what a lot of guys do, and it makes you seem like you have an agenda, as if you’re trying to buy your way into her pants. Only buy her a drink after you’ve talked to her for a while. That’s actually pretty cool.
How To Approach A Girl In A Nightclub

Be very loud. In certain countries or cities, nightclubs can be extremely noisy. The vibe that you’re giving off if you’re quiet is either that you’re not having fun, or that you don’t have the confidence to speak up.
Do not wander around aimlessly in nightclubs. The majority of girls are going to be cycling through the bar, dance floor, bathroom on repeat.
That means you should be dancing, not standing on the dancefloor, to get maximum exposure to everyone in the venue.
When you’re on the dance floor, try to make eye contact with the girl you like. After you make eye contact, walk over and give her the “hand of god.” Fully extend your arm and reach out towards her, inviting her to dance. This is a bold move, so make sure you have a confident smile on your face when you do this.
When she takes your hand, spin her around, and start dancing with her. Make sure to introduce yourself at this point, but don’t have a long conversation while dancing.
After a song or two, invite her to get a drink with you. This will give you some time to talk and flirt with her. After you get drinks, take her someplace quieter so you two can continue talking.
Do not try to get her to come to your place early. This usually won’t work because she’s there to have fun. This is especially true before midnight.
Make sure to number/social media close early in the interaction because she could leave or wander off at any moment. This should become habitual on your part.
Approaching On The Street
Street game after 12-1am is another opportunity to meet women that want to go home with a guy.
Why is that? Women have had fun all night, so their chance to expand or extend their night by going home with you is extremely high. We refer to this as buying temperature.
It means that if they’ve had a great night, they are so hyped up that it’s easy to close. In fact, much easier than it would be at any other time during the week.
You can, and should, be very direct. If they are walking out of the venue, you have roughly 5-10 minutes to close.
A good opener would be: “You’re cute, and I want to talk to you.” If you vibe exceptionally well after you open, you have to be quick about getting logistics.
Ask them:
- What are you doing now?
- Who are you here with?
- How far away do you live?
- What are you doing tomorrow?
Get through one if not all of these fast.
Final Thoughts
Master the art of approaching women, and you’ll see an abundance of women in your life. It takes time to master this skill, but keep at it.
Just remember, the game is a skillset, one that you can always improve. You should see it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle.

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