It’s been a pleasure helping out tons of guys on boot camps, teaching them the best way to meet women and how to take it further.
When I first started working for The Attractive Man, I asked Matt, “What’s the number one thing I should do to get better?” You know what his response was?

I’ve heard about field reports before but never did one. Didn’t think I needed to.
“If I just keep taking action, of course, I’ll get better!” I thought. I was WRONG.
Yes, you’ll get better. But at best, you’ll be intermediate. That’s where I found myself. I would get the occasional, 8 or 9 but it was never consistent. Some nights I would go home with an 8. Some nights a 6 or 7. And other nights completely empty-handed, frustrated. That was until I started doing field reports.
In the first month of doing field reports, I got with over 10 girls!
At the time I was working with The Attractive Man, I just graduated college and was vacationing abroad with an English friend of mine in London. This was the best month of my life!! Not just because I was traveling through Europe, but the results with women and crazy sex adventures I was having consistently!
My game grew more in that first month than it did in YEARS! I couldn’t believe the results.
Here’s why: I stopped making the same mistakes.

Because I wasn’t reflecting on what I was doing wrong on my nights out, I kept making the same mistakes. Ever feel like you keep banging your head against walls, too? Want to know the best way to meet women and take it further, consistently?
Once I started doing field reports, I recognized the mistakes I was making and then corrected them.
Practice isn’t enough. Deliberate practice is what gets results.
By doing field reports, you’re able to eliminate, one by one, the mistakes you make. What naturally starts to happen is you make less and fewer mistakes which drastically improves your results. Every day you’re getting better.
Guess what field reports lead to? MORE GIRLS of YOUR CHOICE!

How To Write A Field Report
Every night after going out, write out:
- Her name
- How you approached
- 3 things that went well (approaching is always #1)
- 3 things that could’ve gone better
- 1 lesson learned to apply tomorrow
- Repeat for 2 more girls (Usually, I’ll write a field report on the worst interaction, best interaction and average interaction)

Your Weekend Mission (If you choose to accept)
- Beginners: Do ONE field report by tomorrow
- Advanced: Do ONE field report 3 days in a row
Alright, guys, that’s my best way to meet women. Progress with every approach using Field Reports!
Be sure to go out there and start implementing it RIGHT AWAY. Success loves the speed of implementation.
If you like tips like these, then I would highly recommend you check out The Language of Attraction or attend a BOOTCAMP.
Don’t know what The Language of Attraction is?
This is all about the conversation. You’ll know how to attract beautiful women anyplace, anytime, and in any situation.
This is the only program that uses your own unique personality to attract women.
Other “gurus” will try to mold you to be exactly like them…. They’ll have you dress like them and act like them even if that’s not who you really are.
We’ll show you what naturally attracts women. Click Here For More Details
Interested in a BOOTCAMP?
We’re going to be in Las Vegas, Cancun, New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Thailand, Dubai, India, Australia and that’s us just getting started.
If you’re serious about getting results with women FAST, then this is your ticket.
Here are a few things we’ll cover:
- Discover a POWERFUL way to approach, attract, number close, and get dates during the day!
- Destroy your approach anxiety and spark instant attraction with your body language as you get women to CHASE YOU!
- Get Tons of infield practice, real-life drills, role-playing, and instant feedback on your interactions to make approaching women completely second nature!