What are the BEST texts to send a girl you like? Have you ever sent kind of a lame or boring first texts and immediately wished you could take it back?
Your first text is crucial because it sets the frame for your textual relationship. (Did you see what I did there? That nice little play on words? *sigh* Nevermind.) Look, man, most guys sent a very boring or average first text and the girl quickly loses interest. So here are my 7 BEST First Texts to Send a Girl You Like – so your first text will almost always make her excited and interested to reply to you:
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7 First Texts That Make Her Excited and Interested In You
NUMBER 7 – Something Naughty
Alright, number seven is something naughty. This is a really great one, but it’s all about the setup. You have to plant the seed or it’s not going to make any sense. And of course you always have to be careful sending an unsolicited sexual text message, but don’t worry..
You’re not going to be sending her a naked selfie of yourself. Please don’t do that as the first text, that would probably not work very well. So it goes like this:
You get her phone number, you’ll save it in your phone. And then you say something like, “Okay, you know what? I’m going to text you something naughty.” The reason I like this is because you’ll see her reaction. It’s either going to be something like, “Ooh, okay. I like that. Yes. Send me something naughty.” Or it’s going to be a, “That’s a little weird..” Either way. It’s going to give you an idea of how naughty she is now with this one, you can’t wait too long to send her the something naughty texts. You should do it in about 10 or 15 minutes. While the idea of you texting her something naughty is still on her mind. And you simply just text her the word something and the word naughty with a smiley face or a winky face emoji.
Do you get it? She thought you were going to text her, actually something naughty like a naked picture or who knows what she’s thinking. And instead you just texted the words, something naughty I’ve even had girls reply with. “I wish you would have sent something a lot more naughty than that.” Again, it’s a good way to find out how naughty she is.
NUMBER 6 – Callback Humor
Number six is using callback humor. If you meet her at a bar or club, it should be a fun, playful interaction. It shouldn’t be super serious. Therefore, there should have been some things that you laughed or joked about. All you need to do now is just text her something that relates back to that funny thing that you guys joked about.
For example, maybe you and her role play that you were going to get married in Vegas and find the fattest Elvis impersonator you could find or something like that.
Then you could either keep going with that marriage role play as your first text, or you could even send a divorce roleplay as your first text. Like:
Hey wifey, I’ve been thinking, and I don’t know if it’s working out between us. I think we should get a divorce, make sure to use an LOL or a smiley winky face or some kind of emoji. So she knows you’re just kidding. It’s all part of the roleplay.
Here’s another example. This is from my book, Turn Her On Through Text. Let’s say you met a girl from England and she happens to be a nanny. So naturally you gave her the nickname, Mary Poppins, and you teased her all night long about it. Then of course, the next day you would text her something like, “Hey, Mary Poppins, don’t forget to give your kids their spoonful of sugar today.”
So just notice how these texts are more playful and fun because most guys send really lame, boring texts, which makes the woman assume that he’s lame and boring.. And then they go on a date with him. It’s just going to suck. Versus you who sending her a few fun and playful texts here and there.. now not ALL the time, but she’s at least going to assume that going on a date with you is probably going to be fun and playful, and she’ll be more likely to say yes to you.

NUMBER 5 – Cheeky Texts
Number five, cheeky texts. These are just some more fun playful, one liner, copy paste, kind of texts, the messages that use a play on words, for example: “Hey, crazy pants too soon for casual texts or are you textually active?”
Actually, I’m not super crazy about that one. I would probably send that as a second text. If she didn’t reply to my first text, I’d wait a day or two and then send her, are you textually active?
A better one is: “Hey, it’s Matt. Guard this number with your life.” which is sounds confident and presupposes that your number is important, A.K.A. YOU are very important.
NUMBER 4 – Endless Options Text
Number four is the endless options text. This one works great when you met a woman online on Tinder, Bumble hinge, whatever app there is nowadays, and you don’t want to seem like you’re taking online dating seriously.
Because if you do, it presupposes that you have no other options in real life because mobile dating apps, for sure, to beautiful woman, it’s kind of like just a game. She’s not taking it seriously. She goes on at once in a while just to see if there’s any options out there, but she’s probably not expecting too much.
And you should have that same mindset. It really shouldn’t be your number one source for meeting women.
The text is very simple. It’s just: “Hey, it’s Matt..” or whatever your name is, then “..from the thing“, which is just kind of a playful way of saying “Hey, it’s Matt from Tinder” or “Hey, it’s Matt from Bumble” but it just shows you that you’re not taking online dating so seriously because you can’t even remember the name of the app.
NUMBER 3 – Cliffhanger Texts
Number three is the cliffhanger texts. This one is really great for getting a reply back. In fact, I normally reserve it for sending it to a girl who hasn’t text back in a couple of days or numbers that have gone cold because it works so well for getting a reply.
It’s basically just sending her an incomplete sentence. It’s where she wants to know what you’re going to say next. For example, let’s say earlier today you met a cutie down by the pier. You could text her “Hey, it’s Matt. I think you have a confession to make…” So notice the cliffhanger there. She’s going to be really interested and eager to know what her confession is.
And then you can say something like “I think you have a huge crush on a man you met earlier down by the pier.” Notice how that’s a little cocky, but it shows confidence. Plus you’re doing it in a fun flirty way.
NUMBER 2 – Sniper Text
Number two is the sniper texts. You should be doing this every time you get a woman’s phone number. Just like the “Something naughty” texts, it’s all about the setup.
Instead of you asking for her the phone number, you have to give her your number. So just say “Here, let me see your phone. I’m going to give you my number.” And then you take her phone. You can save your number in it if you want.
But the key to send yourself a text from her number that says, “Hey, you are so hot” – signed her name. And then about 10 or 15 minutes later, text or something like, “Aw, thanks. You’re not too bad yourself.” Trust me, man. This one works so well. That always get texts back. Cause it’s just so damn funny and they’re not expecting it.
NUMBER 1 – Recall Her Reaction
Number one is just recall her reaction. I put this at number one because it’s the one I use the most because it’s not so gimmicky. Like some of the others, it’s more of normal and natural.
It’s kind of like callback humor, but you’re not necessarily recalling back anything funny that you joked about because if you met her during the day, it might not have been such a playful interaction as it would be at a bar or club.
So instead of doing what everybody else does and say “Hey, nice meeting you!” STOP using the word “Nice.” It’s so overused. Instead say “So random meeting you” or “So unexpected meeting you” or “So fun meeting you” and then just recall her reaction. Did she seem really startled when you approached her? If so, say “It was cute how nervous you were when I said hi.” or “It was funny how shy you were when I said hi.” or if she seemed really friendly and flirty right away, then say that “You always flirt with cute guys at the mall?” or simply “Are you always so friendly to guys that you meet?” It’s simple, it’s intriguing. And if you made a great impression, when you first met her, she will text you back.
If you didn’t make a great impression and you’re not getting a lot of replies back from your first text, then it’s probably not the first text that’s the issue. It’s the initial interaction.
You’re being way too friendly and platonic.
And so she feels like she wants to reciprocate by giving you her phone number, but she doesn’t feel any romantic feelings towards you. So if you want to master that, if you want to learn how to spark sensual attraction immediately and get her feeling desire from the moment that you say hi, then make sure to check out our live workshop schedule because we have workshops all over the world. And we also have online virtual mentorship programs where we still work with you one on one and help you get this part of your life handled for good.

Thats all for now, man! Don’t forget to check our videos out on our channel, leave us a like and subscribe for more weekly content.