I get it man! It flat out sucks! Texting with a hottie and she seems super on and then bam! She doesn’t text you back. (Makes you wonder – What are the best messages that get a reply?)
You start freaking out and start over analyzing – What the heck did you do wrong in the last text? No period?? That’s probably why? Nah. What was it?
Look man, I know how aggravating it must be when a girl you really like doesn’t text you back, so in this video I show you exactly what to text her when she doesn’t reply back to reignite that smoking hot flame of desire and get her eagerly texting you back.
I’m giving you 5 texts that you can send her when she doesn’t reply that will get her texting back.

Best Messages That Get a Reply
Before we dive right in you need to understand why women wouldn’t text back.. Remember men, if she’s a beautiful woman she probably had a lot of other guys texting her and buying for her attention so just because she doesn’t text back doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you it just means she has a lot of options.. which is why you need to watch my other videos on how to text girls so that you’ll be in the situation where you’ll be the one getting a date with her instead of her ghosting you.
Also just remember man that people seem to be busier nowadays than ever and there’s so many distractions – so maybe she had every intention to text you back but NOT instantly. That’s even if you’ve used this, the best messages that get a reply.
One time I was in with my ex girlfriend and her best friend suddenly texts, she had every intention to text back a little later because our group was busy at the time. But she just forgot it! Took her over a week to finally text her best friend back.
A lot of times what happens is the girl actually likes the guy but he just forgets to text them back and then he gets all aggravated and pissed off and end up sending a pissed off text message.
Don’t do that. First impressions matter – they last, and they can make or break all the attraction and potential attraction you may have.
Number 5 – Any Random/Funny text
So number 5 is basically just enter any kind of out of the blue random text. I don’t mean like “Hey how’s your day going!” or “Hey what’s up!”.. I mean something cheeky funny or witty. I prefer a role play such as “Hey I’m bored lets rob a bank!”
It’s all so random she just feels compelled to write back thinking like “Is he serious?” I’m pretty sure its not serious and sometimes she’ll just go along. If one time they say “sure I’m in!” and you just keep the role play going great. Like a funny scenario about how you both go shopping for ski masks together, something you pick up the pink one for her if I could take it so far. I use it as a way to meet up with her and I told her to meet me at the bar that’s across the street from the bank of America so we can plan our heist. It was great because when she showed up we only had this kind of Bonnie and Clyde vibe going on.
Number 4 – Cliffhanger Text
Number 4 is the cliffhanger text which is kinda like a sentence that’s incomplete and she really wants to know what you’re going to say next. For example, “You know what I like about you?” then “…”
IF she does reply back you can always say “You like the play hard to get”. If you haven’t been replying back lately for another good one is – “you know what I think about you?…”
People love to know what others think about them. Maybe you’ve heard that everybody’s favorite subject is themselves? What people love more than actually talking about themselves is hearing about themselves.
Another good one is – “Would you like to hear a secret?…” I’m actually using this one as my tinder openers and they almost always reply with something like “yeah sure what is it?” and I say “I kinda have a crush on this girl..” I describe her a little bit and say “shhh don’t tell her” and almost always gets a laugh and of course a reply back.
Number 3 – Post Something Cool on Social Media
First of course the girl has to actually be following you on social media or it will not work. You can play the long game.. maybe she’s not texting you back right now but maybe she has a relationship now. You met her, she’s into you but for whatever reason she just didn’t meet up with you maybe she was already kind of more involved with another guy – then that relationship turned sour and she’s single again.
That’s why this makes part of the best messages to get a reply, even when its not simply just a message.
Even when she was in a relationship she might still look at your post on social media so as long as you’re posting interesting things.. things that are more interesting than the food you’re eating! Like traveling or just hanging out with friends and she sees that you have a relatively interesting life. All she has to do is reply to one of your stories or one of your posts and boom you’re back in the game this can also make her see that you’re not just sitting around and waiting for her to text you back she, sees that you’re going out with friends are doing things you’re living your life that.
Oftentimes a girl just randomly hit me up and replied to my stories after I post something cool on my Instagram.

Number 2 – Call it Out in a Funny Way
Word of warning I only recommend doing this after you sent either a random text or cliffhanger text.. and she didn’t reply back.
Wait a few days.. and then text something funny to call out the situation. Here’s one my favorites – “Amber alert – says the hot nerd who I’m going to school in Pool is missing, text me if you see her”.
The key is to be descriptive and customize it to her and that way.
You have to do it in a silly funny way like I said earlier. The best messages that get a reply won’t work IF you seem upset about it you’re gonna shoot yourself in the foot. She’s gonna think you’re needy. She’s gonna think you have 0 other options and she’s going to lose attraction for you.
Number 1 – These 4 words:
Here’s a text that can actually work. It’s very simple. 4 words – “Are you still alive?”
The reason this works is because after she hasn’t replied to 2 or 3 or more of your texts back to back it looks kind of needy because you’re giving to her and you’re not getting anything in return. So this text kinda presupposes that a word about her and beat them up doesn’t make sense that women wouldn’t text amazing awesome guy like yourself back.. so maybe something bad happened to her and you just checking it.
I got several women who didn’t reply to my past previous text messages over the past week or two to reply to this text. Yep sometimes that reply is “Oh sorry I’m in a relationship now” but a few times it rekindled the interaction.
The point is don’t be caught up on just one girl or 2 girls that you’re texting.. do you really want a girl you’re trying so hard to attract and she keeps running the other direction? You want to give and take. You don’t wanna be the one chasing, chasing, chasing.. she’s running, running, running..
You want to be a man that has some options.