Here’s how to Attract the Hottest Girl and specifically – the one every guy wants.
Okay so look, this article is for guys that have high standards but if you apply these principles, you’ll be able to attract nearly any girl you have your eye on.
Do you remember that one super hot girl in your high school that every guy wanted?

All the guys were dying to get into her pants but she wouldn’t let them. She didn’t date just anybody and she didn’t sleep with many guys. Her boyfriend was most likely the highest status guy in the entire school. Or she may have not even dated guys in her school but older men instead. I am also going to bet she didn’t talk to you much either.
If you want to attract the most beautiful and sought-after girl, you need to do what the super hottie from high school did.
How To Attract Any Woman? Be the guy every girl wants, but can’t get.
When you do this, your status will leap tenfold. Most guys will screw this up because they will want to sleep with as many girls as possible, but if you want the best girl, then you need to be very selective.
You see, women have status too. And if she is the alpha female, she only wants to be with the Alpha Male. And if you start sleeping with women that are below her, she will perceive you as having lower status than her.

So here is what you need to do to attract the hottest woman around.
First, exercise SOCIAL PROOF. Social proof is the principle that people tend to follow the tribe. If the tribe approves of you, then he or she will approve of you also.
So, if a girl notices other women like you, she will almost automatically want you too. This trigger is the fastest way to short-cut attraction and get women wanting you. Demonstrate that you have lots of women to choose from and she will want you to choose her.
Next you need to exercise EXCLUSIVITY. Flirt with all women but only date and sleep with the BEST.
As we already talked about, High Status Men have high standards with women. They qualify women. Be very selective about whom you sleep with, how you spend your time, and how you spend your money. High Status Men are very selective about who gets to be in their “Inner Circle.”
Be a challenge for women and don’t sleep with just any girl. People want what they can’t have. And if all the girls can’t get you, they will literally fight over you. Once she see’s that women are fighting over you, she’ll want to be the “one” who gets you.
When you apply the concepts of Social Proof and Exclusivity, you literally will have women magnetized to you and they will fight for you.
Application: Specific ways to attract a woman…
This strategy applies whenever you enter any social environment or social circle e.g. the gym, work, sports league, school, club etc… Specifically a place where there are lots of women to choose from… e.g. Yoga Class 😉
Be friendly AND flirtatious will all the girls, but don’t date or sleep with any of them right away. Sometimes it is better to take your time and choose the right one.

After you know which girl you want, then it is time to light some fires. The key is to not give all of your attention to her right away. This is the law of supply and demand of Attention. The more attention you give someone, the less they want it. On the contrary, the less attention you give someone, the more they want it. (Exclusivity)
So, flirt with all the other women but don’t make any advances. You job is to get them to want you and talk about you behind your back. As days and weeks go by, they will start to wonder if you are going to choose any of them and it will literally drive them crazy. (Be careful, you may break some hearts in the process)
Girls love to gossip and talk about guys, so you better believe the girl you want knows that all these girls want you. She will naturally join in the race to win you over and you will know because she will start making advances on you. Yes, the most desired woman will start attracting you.
At this point, play it cool and let her come to you stud.

This way works best when all the girls know each other so they can talk about you, but with skill it can be applied to the bar scene too. If you already have a social circle filled with beautiful women then all you need to do is take them out with you.
But, most guys don’t have a social circle full of women yet so here’s another way. When you are out, chat up all the girls in the club but don’t make any moves right away. Then introduce the girls to each other (merge groups) and create your own “instant social circle” full of girls, with you as the hub. When girls surround you you immediately attract the attention of every girl in the room, including the one you really have your eye on. Then all you do is get her attention and signal her to come to you. This works so well, it is almost cheating.

Remember, flirt and have fun with ALL girls, however, only sleep with the quality ones.
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If you want more ways to attract any woman, then check out this advanced training. It’s all about How To Attract A Girl In Seconds and shows you exactly what to say to women that makes them melt.
Excellent Post! I kind of feel like exclusivity could use its own post.
Excellent tips, have exclusive and enjoy the trigger of social proof is surely very effective to lure the best, women tend to follow the alpha male and if they notice that you are a man of high social value, it will behind você.Muito good text, thanks for sharing.
nice advice
The “hottest” girl in the room is always the biggest bitch in the room. If you want to help guys, write an article on how to avoid trash like this. Being with a woman is worse than playing Russian Roulette. They can all go straight to hell.
I highly disagree. But with an attitude like that, of course, you are going to keep attracting girls like that. Like attracts like.