You’ve approached the girl, she seems into it, and now you don’t know how to get a girls number from her. Suddenly you start to get nervous. Is it because you don’t know the best approach? Should you try to make her laugh? Just be straightforward about it?
What’s the best way to go for it, so she’s more likely to say yes? Here’s how to get a girls number the right way!

How To Get A Girls Number In 3 Simple Ways
#1 Don’t ask, Command.
The usual blunder…
Most guys ask for her number. Big mistake. That shows a lack of confidence. When you ask, it presupposes the fact that you aren’t sure if she likes you. It tells her that you aren’t sure if she actually wants to give you her number. When you’re being insecure in front of her – that’s going to be a turn-off.
So instead of asking “So…can, I get your number?” display your confidence and assertiveness. Rephrase it as a command like “Here, put your number on my phone.” That way, you’ll come off as an Alpha male. Not showing any signs of weakness and staying in control.
#2 Make it fun and exciting
Try and get a giggle out of her while you get her number.
What I like to do is this: I tell her: “Hey let me see your phone, I’m going to give you my number.” Then I go to her SMS app, and I send myself a text: “Hey Matt you are so hot ;)” And sign her name. I’ll just wait a few minutes and text her “aww thanks you are so sweet,” and she will crack up. This is fun, flirty and it works great.
The best part about this is she’s very unlikely to object to you putting your number on her phone. It seems harmless, and she can always just not text you if she doesn’t want to. But presto! You just got her number through the text.
Another funny move is to save your number in her phone and just call your phone, so you have her number. “Here I’ll give you my number… and I’ll just call myself, so you have mine.”
But actually, pick up the call and use this opportunity to do a funny role play like: “Oh hey mom? Hey, I just met this girl she’s kinda cute, but she’s kind of a dork. I might give her a chance though, we’ll see.”
#3 Go for it like a Boss
If all of this seems too gimmicky or silly for you, here’s how to get a girl’s number like a boss.
How you’re going to do it: BE THE BOSS
Say something like, “You seem cool. Here, you can put your number on my phone.” and remember to stand beside her, so you get in more touching. That way, you’re already breaking the touch barrier even before you get her number.
So try that out, man. And remember to be assertive. Asking for permission to have her number shows uncertainty and you should assume that she likes you, unless she communicates otherwise.
Now if you just want to be better with women, we created a “Free Escalation Cheat Sheet” that lists out some of our best ways to spark sensual tension, turn a girl on, and escalate the relationship to the next level.
It’s filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic – friendly interaction, into a more sensual– “I want to rip your clothes off” vibe.
This is very useful when you’re talking to a girl, but it’s going nowhere.
Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!

And if you want us to show you how to meet women personally, click here to check out the live Bootcamp Schedule.
I’m out! Cheers!
OK. The touch barrier is broken…. she tickled my upper mid section
on my back as she was walking past… she brushed herself lightly just before that. All the time she is smiling and keeping eye contact, all I am doing is sitting in a chair during my therapy session. For days counted she has being giving me attention I was not expecting. Other days she is just like around me, passing by…
What she did today really has my mind wondering. Time to ask her