All right, so let’s cut to the chase. You want a girlfriend and the reason you clicked on this article is because you think there’s something that you don’t know or maybe even something wrong with you that’s stopping you from getting one.
…Or should I say her, because you probably have a specific girl in mind already, am I right?
You just don’t know what to do. So then the question is, how do you take a girl that you like and turn her into your girlfriend?
If you want to know the answer to that question, then this might be one of the most important articles that you’ve ever read, because I’m going to show you the four foolproof steps that every man must follow in order to make that happen.
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The Ultimate Guide to Getting a Girlfriend
I wish I knew this back in the day because I used to always sabotage myself. Any time I liked a girl, I would always say the wrong things and women would literally scatter.
I remember my best friend told me, “girls like you, man, until you open your mouth.” And that just hit me like a ton of bricks. It took me a lot of trial and error to really figure this out.
But when I did, getting a super high quality girlfriend became really easy and I was able to increase my standards. And here’s something you need to understand. Regardless of your experience to date, it’s actually pretty darn easy to get a girlfriend. Understand that you’re actually in a buyer’s market and when you’re in a buyer’s market, you have all the power.
This is the first mistake that most guys make. They don’t realize that they’re surrounded by an ocean of women that are looking for someone like them. This mistake builds a scarcity mindset within them and brings closer to opening a new tab watching women online than landing that cute girl they met and had chemistry with at the coffee shop.
The second mistake that guys make is even worse. And you probably make it every day. It’s when you don’t have a plan.
A plan of how to take a girl that you like and turn her into your girlfriend.
You ask yourself, and it’s all a bit of a mystery, like trying to describe what the Force is. You simply don’t know what to do. And because of this, you might think that guys who do have girlfriends are somehow better than you or they have something that you don’t have.
I guess they do have something you don’t have… a girlfriend. BUT that doesn’t make them better than you and the reality is you just probably don’t know what you’re doing – And the other guys had their dad or big brother or pervy uncle show them the ropes.
This lack of a plan, coupled with the fact that you and every other guy on the planet fails to realize the sheer number of opportunities around you are the reason that you spent the last few years getting repetitive strain injury in your wrist rather than cuddling up in front of Netflix with the hot barista that you’ve always wanted to ask out.
But for the sake of your aching heart, that ends now, I’m going to give you my 4-step foolproof plan into taking that classy, sassy senorita and turning her into your high quality, loving girlfriend.
This isn’t going to be a list of techniques, and this is not going to be ridiculously complicated. But I can promise you, if you follow these four steps to the teeth, you will land the girlfriend that you’ve been looking for.

Your beliefs about yourself and about women and about the world in general are going to torpedo your chances to get a high quality girlfriend faster than anything else on Earth.
This is why it’s so important to actually take a step back and examine your beliefs about women.
Do you believe you’re attractive to women? Do you believe women are interested in your personality? Do you believe you deserve a top ten Instagram model girlfriend?
Do you believe you’re worthy of love? You really need to dig in and really find out what makes you tick. If you find that you have a bunch of unhealthy or limiting negative beliefs that aren’t helping you, start to challenge them. And ask yourself if they’re really true.
You also need to know what you want when you actually know what kind of girlfriend you’re looking for. It gives you a clear target. Why, you might ask?
Well, that girl certainly has hobbies. She has certain interests and lives a certain way and has a specific type. For example, if you like rocker chicks, then going to rock concerts and getting a bunch of tattoos is probably going to help you land that kind of girl.
But there’s one big caveat.
Do not go for a girl that is your complete opposite. For example, if you’re a bookish, introverted guy, finding a girl who likes to hit up nightclubs and sing karaoke, partying till 3AM.. probably isn’t a good idea. No matter how hard she is, you’ve got to find someone more your speed and knowing exactly what you want will mean that you have standards. Because you won’t just let anybody be your girlfriend.
And a guy with standards is a lot more attractive than a guy who will just go for anything.
Look, man, understanding your beliefs about yourself and knowing exactly what you want gives you the strongest foundation for meeting women and having the confidence to get a girlfriend.
A girlfriend is the icing on an already excellent life cake. By this I mean she enhances a life that’s already good.
If your life sucks and you have a dull social life, a crappy job and you’re still wearing last week’s underpants.. then you need to fix all that first, the easiest way to attract a high quality woman is to have a life that you enjoy because she sees it as the kind of life that she would love to be swept up in.
And she admires you for taking care of yourself and for taking your life seriously. When you’re trying to get a girlfriend, but your life is a little bit of a shambles. It just screams that you’re looking for her to be a Band-Aid.
And you’re not a man who’s in charge of his own world. Sorting out your “life cake” before you get some “girlfriend icing” also comes with the added benefit of improving your confidence, your looks, your bank balance, your social life and, of course, your sex life, all of which will help you attract a higher quality girlfriend.
In other words, it’s one of the closest things to a magic pill that you’re going to find.
But look, I know you’re probably thinking, why do I have to build this amazing life just to get one girlfriend? I’m going to let you in on a little secret: For girls, an attractive life isn’t one filled with Ferraris, suitcases filled with money and models hanging off your arm..
It’s just a guy whose life is at least a little bit above average.
That’s it, man. A guy whose life is a little bit above average and she can curl up on the sofa with and eat ice cream and watch Netflix. Seems pretty doable, right? I hope so, because that’s it.

Your future girlfriend is a girl, and you’re going to have to speak to her at some point.
So as scary as it might seem right now, you’re going to have to get comfortable speaking to women. Not only that, but you don’t know where you’re going to meet the girl that ends up becoming your girlfriend, especially if you want a really high quality girlfriend.
Relying on the easy swiping of online dating is probably not going to cut it because women are bombarded by messages from other guys.
So the competition is really effing high. You need to grab your balls, build up some courage and some resilience and learn how to speak to women in real life in all different types of environments, like walking down the street in a coffee shop while she’s at work, at bars, parks, wherever.
Because look, man, at the end of the day, dating, whether you’re looking for sex or for love, is a numbers game. The more you play, the more you win. This means you’re going to want to increase your chances of meeting her as much as possible.
And when I first started meeting women in everyday situations, I looked like a deer in headlights because I felt like I was bothering them.
My results were pretty slim. But as I did thousands upon thousands of approaches, I became a lot better. I became a lot more confident and I was able to spark sexual tension immediately and women’s eyes would just light up.
The good news is you don’t have to do thousands of approaches. You don’t have to learn the hard way like I did. All you need to do is get a mentor.
Do you know when the best time to ask a girl out is?
The second best time?
“Right Now”
A while back, I taught a class in Singapore with 14 women and I asked them, what’s the biggest hang up that you have when it comes to men and dating? And they all unanimously agreed their biggest hang up or gripe or challenge was that men in their culture did not make the move. But it really applies to all cultures. I mean, imagine that for a second. You’re a beautiful woman and you like a guy, but it’s just not in your nature to make a move.
I’m not saying women can’t make moves. Yes, of course they can. It’s all good.
But it’s just not in a feminine woman’s nature. They just feel very masculine if they have to ask the guy out. But once you’ve challenged your beliefs and you know what you want and you’ve built an attractive lifestyle and you know how to talk to girls, you only need to take one more step.
And it’s pretty simple. You just need to ask her out and go on dates.
Don’t wait man, just do it. And of course, not all women will say yes, but if you do this enough, you will get a yes and you will end up on a date from here. It’s just a matter of time, chemistry and compatibility, which of course, is why step number one is so important. You got to know what you want. When it works, you’ll know.
And when you do. And you’ve been on a bunch of dates and everything’s all kissing lovey dovey looks and thinking about each other all the time, just ask her to be your girlfriend.
Who knows? She might say yes. So call your crush NOW and ask her out man.
And that’s it for your Ultimate Guide To Getting a Girlfriend. Was it really that short? Could it really be that easy? Well DO it, man. You’ve be surprised as to how effective these steps are. Stay tuned for our content next week!