I can tell you that there are just three simple actions that you can do right now to attract women and get them to chase you today instead of it being the other way around.
But first, here’s the hard truth. Most guys will never be chased by women. You may have experienced this yourself, the constant fight for her attention, thinking of something funny to say, only to end up empty handed..
It sucks, right? I mean, what’s the point in putting in all this effort if she’s just going to blow you off? And why do girls always seem so indifferent?
Listen, men, women can sense from a mile away when you’re being needy and when they sense this, their sex drive dries up faster than my iPhone battery.
This is because when you’re trying so hard to attract women.. then you chase her subconsciously, you’re telling her that you’re not worth chasing. You’re telling her that you’re just like every other guy, that you’re nothing special, that she is better than you.
The result, of course, instead of making her want you, you end up pushing her away. Probably not the outcome you want, right? If like most guys, you want an outcome that involves a lot more nudity and a lot less soul crushing rejection, then I’m going to show you exactly what to do.
In fact, I can tell you what to do. And just one simple sentence in you’re sharp sharpies ready? You need to take her down off that pedestal and tell her subconscious mind that you’re the type of guy that she needs to chase.
But here’s the most important thing that nobody in the dating advice industry will tell you.
(Get Girls To Chase YOU)
There are only three ways to do this. Not a million, not a bazillion, just three. Three steps to attract women enough to get her to chase you.
I cannot make this more clear. Most experts will tell you you need an Instagram that’s fully loaded, full of pictures of you flexing next to your Ferrari while holding a puppy. Trust me, man, you don’t need to ignore her and hit on her friend.
You don’t even need to show her that you’re constantly surrounded by women and you don’t need to master the seven mysterious psychological tricks that manipulate women.
Here’s a hint: they don’t work.
Trust me, man. I spent years trying pretty much every pickup trick in the book and yeah some of them can work, but more often than not, they will backfire.
For example, back in the day I read that you should show more interest in the friend. So I did that in the friend ended up really liking me and then the girl that I liked ended up going home with somebody else and I was stuck there trying to get the less attractive girl away from me.
You don’t need to do things like that! And when you hear other experts tell you to do things like that, run the other direction.
Here’s what I want you to do instead:
STEP #1 – “Do not treat her like a princess”
Even though that’s what mainstream media tells you to do.
Before I started working on this part of my life, I had a huge crush on this girl that I thought was way out of my league. But somehow we ended up hooking up a couple of times and I became really attached.
I just became infatuated with her and I ended up sending her flowers and poetry on Valentine’s Day, even though we had only been dating for just a few weeks. And when she didn’t return my calls or text messages, I would stalk her friend at work and try to find out information like “Where’s Nikki? Why isn’t she replying back to me?”
And she ended up completely blocking me on all social media because I was way too needy, because there’s an old saying,
“If you treat her like a celebrity, then she’s going to treat you like a fan.”
In layman’s terms, this just means don’t fawn after her, chase her, treat her like royalty, or act like a little puppy dog. No matter how much you want your belly scratched.
You might even say that she wants to be treated like a princess, but in reality, she just wants to be treated like a person. That’s part of how to attract women..
This means be honest with her. You disagree with her? Just tell her! If you want to take a chance and flirt with her, then do it. You feel a bit of sexual tension, then embrace it. If you feel like playfully teasing her? Then just do it.
If you feel like getting up from the date and spinning around and moonwalking away, then do it!
But seriously, man, when you’re 100% honest with her, you inherently prevent yourself from ever chasing her. It’s really a pretty simple fix. You also create an environment of honesty that just creates a more fun, flirtatious and natural vibe between you and her.
Lots of guys look for ways to create bursts of sexual tension or create a low key, flirtatious vibe. But really all that comes from honesty.
You don’t need a new technique. You just need to stop dicking around and be honest. You feel it. So you do it. And it all starts with treating her like a regular person. Which brings me to step number two..

STEP # 2 – “Pull the trigger.”
When I first started learning the stuff, I remember I went to a club in downtown L.A. and I approached these two girls and I started really hitting it off with one of the girls who I thought was pretty much a total ten in looks.
And so I really liked her. And I remember she told me she was already dating three other guys, which made me want her more like she was kind of a challenge, and so I remember kind of playing it safe, I could tell she really wanted me to make a move on her.
She even told me she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Yet, I still didn’t make the move. I thought “I’ll be kind of a challenge and then she’ll chase me.” But it ended up having the opposite effect. She ended up completely losing interest.
And I was really disappointed and mad at myself because it was such a perfect opportunity. She was showing me so much interest, yet I completely blew it.
And that’s because women rarely make the first move.
I’m sorry, man, but unless you’re Ryan Gosling, you’re not going to just walk out of your house, attract women and have them chasing you. You’re going to have to make a move first.
I don’t care if she’s at work, at the bar, walking down the street, or she’s the cute cashier at Whole Foods. You have to make the first move. If you don’t, you’re dead in the water and she’ll never chase you, let alone kiss you.. Go back to your place and play a little naked twister.
A lot of idiot dating coaches will tell you to hide your desire and use secret steps that make her make the first move.
Spoiler alert: she probably won’t.
And if she does, she probably comes with a price tag. One of the best ways that you can make a move is by showing your desire as long as you do it the right way. Not in a way that’s creepy. Make it clear that you like her and that you’re not afraid to show it.
Simply put, if you’re afraid to show your interest in her, then you’re just like every other guy that orbits around her waiting for some magical opportunity to show up.
So WHY would she chase you? Which brings me to step number three..
STEP #3 – “Be the one percent man.”
The truth is men, that girls don’t need to chase a guy to get laid or get a boyfriend or get married. Because like 99% of guys will chase them.
So then ask yourself, why would you she chase you?
The only reason that you would chase you.. Is because you’re that type of guy that she never meets.
In simple economic lingo, you’re a “scarce resource,” so your value shoots way up and her strategy therefore, has to change. Its basic supply and demand. So then what kind of guy does she never meet?
I know what you’re thinking. And no, it’s not just rich guys. There are plenty of guys with money out there. And trust me, man, a lot of my clients are very wealthy before they come to me. They’re struggling in their dating lives because they’re still chasing women.
And actually answer this question by just listening to any woman going on a Cosmo fueled rant about her dating life. They rarely meet guys who have their own lives, a clearly defined purpose, who are independent.
Believe it or not, they rarely meet guys who have their life fundamentals together: A Career he likes, friends he likes, a life that he likes to live.
These kind of guys are just naturally a challenge to women because they can be. Because they’re a catch. These are the kind of guys and really who truly enjoy their lives and they know they’re totally fine, regardless whether they get her or not. That’s the kind of guy that she wants to chase. One who can attract women effortlessly.
And here’s a little reality check, just in case you’ve been nodding along.
If you play games, you aren’t this guy.
If you try to manipulate her, you aren’t this guy.
If you’re too afraid to approach her, you are NOT this guy.
Look, man, if you want her to chase you, you have to build a life that is completely independent of her.
For every guy, this is a little bit different because everybody wants different things. But if you can make the changes in your life necessary to achieve this, it will drive women crazy. And you’ll just naturally be a challeng to women because you’ll be on your life’s purpose.
And as you work on yourself and become the most attractive, confident version of yourself and learn how to talk to women and approach women with confidence, you’ll have so many options. And guys with options don’t chase women. They’re the ones who get chased.
So you can take one thing away from this.. Let it be:
If you can sort out your life, she will chase you simply because you are YOU.
Something that we in the business call “Easy mode.”
So keep up the great work, be the 1% man, attract women AND success.. and stay awesome!