When you see a gorgeous woman, you have about 5 seconds to come across as either creepy and intimidating or attractive and mysterious.
And the difference between the two is all in the approach.
I’m Renee Slansky with The Attractive Man, and today I will give you 10 tips for approaching women in public so that you know if and when to approach her and how to come across as confident and desirable at the same time.
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In Public Places
I’m a professional dating and relationship coach, and I’m here to help men like yourself understand women and become a more confident man.
So, let’s talk about approaching women in public places. There is always a fine line between looking like a stalker and causing her to want to run away and looking like an alpha male who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to get it.
The truth is, the majority of the time we as women do want men to approach us, because it makes us feel more attractive and singled out, however, there are also sometimes when we are sending off apparent signals not to come near, and to be frank it really turns us off when you ignore them and push your agenda on us.
But it’s not to say that you can’t change our mind, so what I will do is break down the whole process for you and give you my top 10 tips to know when and if to approach us , how to turn the situation around so that we feel comfortable in your presence and of course how to set the right impression so that we feel safe and interested in who you are.
Let’s jump in!
1: Assess the environment – is she busy or with a bunch of girlfriends? Is she wearing a wedding ring? Does she look intoxicated or is she focused on something else important?
2: What is her body language saying – Does she have her arms or legs crossed? Is she looking around, does she look anxious or guarded?
3: Make your presence known without approaching her- Let her see you in her peripheral vision and get her subconscious associated that you are in her presence. Then move in and out of her line of sight without actually speaking or looking at her.
4: Catch her eye and smile – Test to see if she notices you with a smile or eye contact. Don’t hold eye contact for longer than a few seconds. See what her response is after you have caught her eye. What do her reaction and body language say?
5: Pick a feature or detail to focus on and compliment us – If you are going to approach her, have something in mind to talk about in a way to compliment her, but do not make it anything sexual. The smaller the detail the better as it shows you pay attention to the little things.
6: Never approach from behind – It’s creepy and doesn’t make us feel safe, plus it feels deceptive. Approach from the front or side so she can see you and your confidence.
7: Approach with a smile- A small genuine smile, not a huge cheesy or sleazy one. Stay natural and look like you are happy to see us, almost like we are an old friend.
8: Have relaxed body language and keep a distance between you both – Coming on too intense or too close will make us want to back off and put up walls. Keep at least a meter apart from her and try to keep your body relaxed. (Not crossing arms in front of chest or hands on hips.) You can come across as a confident alpha male without coming across as overbearing.
9: Don’t be so serious make her laugh- If you want to impress a woman and make her feel at ease, then the key is to get her to laugh. It doesn’t mean you have to have jokes up your sleeve, but rather just don’t take the conversation so seriously and look for an opening where you can make a comment that makes you both relate and laugh about it. Again compliments should be on the details, not sexual zones, ie, bum, boobs or lips.
10: Ask questions but listen more than you speak – Giving her your undivided attention (meaning not looking at your phone, around the room or other women) makes her feel special. Show her your interest by asking about her and then actively listening (portray this through your body language) affirm what she is saying, don’t agree with everything and leave some mystery about yourself…
Your approach is the beginning of initiating anything with a woman, hence why it can either seal your fate or open up limitless opportunities. Master the approach and give a great first impression, while minimizing rejection.
But of course you have to have a conversation with her, so if you haven’t already downloaded our free conversation cheat sheet then click on the image above, right now!

You get:
- Our top conversation starters for any situation…
- Simple techniques to never run out of things to say…
- A list of my favorite games to play that create a fun-flirty vibe
- And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
- And more!
Also, if you’re not subscribed, HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!… and if you want us to personally show you how to meet women, check out our boot camp schedule.
I’m Renee Slanksy for The Attractive Man and I’ll see you in my next video!
Bye for now!
Hi Renee u r. a great mentor thanks
Thanks Renee 4dt explanation
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